I bought a RK-21 May 2021. While doing the 50 hour maintenance from start to finish per manual i noticed the loader bucket was sloppy. I called the store the woman in charge got the mechanic on the line and we agreed they would order new pins under warranty and i would pick up and put them on. So far so good. Weeks turned in to months. My sister and her daughter were going to the store for chicken feed so she called and asked if i needed anything, i said check on parts. Long story short of this is my sister and the tractor woman exchanged words my sister was treated like a criminal until she left the store. Sister complained to corporate about tractor lady and parts, a few days later parts were in. Corporate can make things happen. I took a pin from my tractor along with me and went after parts. Got there, wrong pins! They took a picture of my pin to make sure they order the right ones, three and a half months and we are starting over. Many weeks have came and went again, stopped at store 7/25 and asked for a manager to see why it was taking so long to get parts. While explaining to him what all has happened the tractor woman butted in and said i abused my tractor I told her she has me confused with someone else l never abused my tractor or anything else i own. She said we have a picture. I said i know. I asked for an explanation of how you can look at a picture and tell me i abused my tractor. I got no explanation. Manager said he would make a call Monday to see what he could find out. I told him they should extend my warranty. Nothing else was said no mention of what i'm about to say. Got a call 7/26, parts in. Went to pick up and they said l had to pay for them, manager was no help. 3 morals to this 1, tell your sister to not get the tractor lady in trouble until after you get the right parts, 2 don't underestimate a person that has worked in upper management positions most of there career there are things i can do if i choose to, 3 there is nothing wrong with RK tractors, i love mine, better than the green and orange if you ask me, but do keep service in mind don't buy from Morgantown with the people or person they have in charge, go to Uniontown. In case your wondering, no i didn't pay for the parts. I told them i wouldn't give them one dollar. There is a lot more i could say about my customer experience but i'll wait till the next chapter.