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New Jersey
1 review
7 helpful votes

Ruelala will ship whatever is available regardless if it's the wrong item or color
August 18, 2019

I cannot stress enough my frustration with this company. I've ordered 21 Dior sunglasses & 3 luxury wristwatches from June to July and i've received everything but all in different colors (for sunglasses) & 3 completely different wristwatches. I've called the customer service & the response was "sometimes the photo on our website may be a little different from the actual item". And i was like, but the sunglasses that you've sent is obviously & completely different from what i've ordered & so are the wristwatches! I've sent an email to customer service again on Aug 8, sent them all screenshots of the photos of items that i've ordered (as posted on their website & as indicated in my order history on their website) plus a summary of all order numbers, the quantity i ordered for each order number, what i've ordered & what they've erroneously delivered. McKenna C responded on Aug 9 & said she's willing to help but she's having trouble verifying which orders i received the color. I responded by asking if she even opened the photos & summary of all wrong colors that i've originally sent since i've attached all supporting photos & summary & details that a customer service could possibly need to verify my purchases. As of right now, Aug 18, i haven't received any update on my complaints.

Next, I've ordered 21 more Dior sunglasses between Aug 1 to 4 (hoping that i would have a completely different experience this time). Before i ordered, it says on their website that delivery is extended from 13-15 days which is fine by me. 8 of the sunglasses i've received within 15 days, but the remaining 13 sunglasses have been further extended from 13-15 days to 1 MONTH! I wouldn't have ordered if it will take a month before i received the items. The worst part is 5 of the 8 sunglasses that i've received so far are AGAIN IN WRONG COLORS! I've ordered an all plain black lense Dior sunglasses & they've sent me 4 black lense with gold stripe and 1 black lense with silver stripe! I just ordered 1 color & they've sent me 2 different colors other than what i've ordered! I will update my review if i receive more wrong colors after 1 month of waiting for the rest of my orders!

I don't understand how could RUELALA ALWAYS GET IT WRONG! I already asked them why would they post something on their website & delivered something completely different color or item to their buyers. And this is not just a one-off thing, it happened for my last 13 order numbers & for 30 items. And not because an item can be returned to you (& refunded less the shipping cost, for goodness sake!) does not mean that you can always keep delivering wrong items to your customers

If you can deal with receiving something completely different from what you've ordered then you can deal with Ruelala

TO RUELALA: One of my 13 order numbers which you got wrong is **********. Use that to verify my account or complaint

Date of experience: August 18, 2019