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2 reviews
27 helpful votes

Fun in a chaotic way.
August 23, 2019

It's been three months since my RS bike trip from Deggendorf to Vienna. The dust has settled, I've cleaned the mud from my clothes, and now I can evaluate the trip in a more objective manner.

I guess I should start by asking this question: would I do it again? I would love to say yes, but knowing what I know now the answer is a likely no.

I made my own travel arrangements and spent a few days in Munich and the immediate area before going to the Gasthaus in Deggendorf. That was all good. Bavaria is lovely and clean and the people are friendly and seem happy.

Upon arriving in Deggendorf I was told I must provide my own helmet. That was the first I'd heard about that. Seems I didn't get a vital information packet. This necessitated a frantic taxi ride into town (at my own expense) to a bike shop. Luckily I bought one and made it back in time for an orientation ride. After that things settled down and a nice meal was had an I got to meet my fellow travelers.

The bikes they provided aren't my style. They are heavy, slow, and the saddles are catch as catch can. Some good, some not. There was a lot of grumbling about the saddles. Mine on the other hand worked fine for me. Didn't make up for the helmet mess, but one has to move on.

The actual biking, the lovely scenery, the food and beer were all great. Our group leader was quite good at her job. She may have been one of the best things about IBT, the outfit that RS contracted for the cycling part of the trip.

The educational aspect was less interesting than I expected. Churches, cathedrals, monasteries, a concentration camp. What more can you say?

I had a couple of good evening adventures where I went out with a couple of people to hear music and stroll around. Drank too much beer.

But there's not much one can do about the weather. We had some dreadful, chilly rainstorms with strong headwinds. The last two days in Vienna were total washouts. But, to be fair, we had some glorious days as well. Some of the vistas and villages delightful. We all had a very good time and lots of laughs.

But, here's the rub. You can't choose your fellow travelers. Some of the personalities were right out of a Hunter S. Thompson story. Autistic New Yorkers. Cancer survivors frantically trying to pack it all in before the end comes. One domestic abuse survivor who was like a life force sucking vampire. Lovely woman, but eegads, could she drone on! A 95 old man who road an ebike and was a true miracle of nature. And then we had Canadians. Three couples. I have nothing bad to say about them. Very nice people.

Which brings me to my one, very subjective observation. You might think that after two weeks together one or two friendships might be formed. But no. That's not why they come on these trips. They come to get away from something, to be distracted, to have a long party. When it's over, it's over. The RS veterans all knew the score -- once we said goodbye there would be no emails, no follow-ups, no promises to stay in touch. I think it may have something to do with being over 60 and facing one's mortality. No time for that. Once I returned home and the reality dawned on me, I felt a bit sad. This was a shared experience, but then again it wasn't.

And that is why I won't do another RS trip. I'd rather go on a trip where there are some younger people with a different energy. It's too much money to shell out to return home depressed.

Date of experience: August 21, 2019