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New Jersey
1 review
6 helpful votes

May 12, 2017

Ritz Camera is a dishonest seller They also have conflict resolution process that is designed to wear their customers down instead of working their tail off to try and correct a problem. Look at their negative reviews and you will get a better understanding of what I mean.

I thought I was buying a "new" Phantom 3 Professional drone from Ritz Camera, but instead of getting a new drone Ritz Camera sent me a used one.

I finally had to file an A-to-z claim through Amazon. That's when Ritz Camera showed me how deceitful and conniving they really are.

I argued with Ritz Camera for a week through Amazon's email address. Ritz Camera would not even speak to me except to say they need to "investigate" and that until I sent them pictures they were not going to help me. Literally, they sent me a one sentence response saying that the burden of proof of "their wrong doing" was on me. Repeatedly.

Once Amazon got in the middle and told Ritz Camera to take my return, they said they would take my return but charge me a 15% restocking fee, and I had to pay for the return shipping costs. Are you serious Ritz Camera?! They advertised that the product was new, knowingly sent me a used and defective drone, and then they had the audacity to want to charge me a 15% restocking fee and shipping charges.

Imagine you decided to spend $1,000 with RitzCamera and something unexpected were to happen to your order...

My experience as well as others who have done business with Ritz Camera have found that their standard procedure is to:

- first, make it difficult to contact them, then stall by saying they are "investigating" the matter;

- second, make you try and prove that they didn't fulfill your order correctly by sending them pictures; and

- third, once Amazon chimes in and forces them to take the return, Ritz Camera will tell you to pay to ship their mistake back to them and charge you a restocking fee, you know, for "their" trouble.

If it happened to me once, do you want to be the one who it happens to again? Does Ritz Camera sound like a good seller to you? Are they a company you want to do business with?

After reading how they treated their customers other than me, are you willing to "trust" that they won't do the same thing to you? That if you give Ritz Camera $1,000 or more of your money that they will honor their commitment and actually send you the product you ordered? What if they don't? What if you happen to fall into the same trap I did and others?

After hearing my story, are you willing to risk it? Risk losing $1,000 by dealing with Ritz Camera? A thousand dollars is a lot of money to a lot of people. It certainly is to me. My experience is that Ritz Camera doesn't respect that. They haven't shown me any respect, not doing business they way they do. They haven't shown me any appreciation for spending my money with them.

In fact, they have done quite the opposite. They have treated me and others with suspicion. They have treated my problem as just that: my problem. Not their problem. Not their responsibility. Not their concern. They just turned their back and tried to ignore me.

I got fooled into thinking that Ritz Camera was a good seller because they had a ton of positive reviews. But that was a mistake. It's easy to get a positive review if you put the right product in the mail. But now I know that's not how you judge the quality of a seller. I should have looked closely at their negative reviews... I would have seen that my story is a pattern with Ritz Camera.

When something goes wrong--which is when a seller shows their true colors--do they show a pattern of treating all their problems the same way? Ritz Camera sure does. They make you jump through hoops, even when they were responsible. Look, no seller is perfect. But a pattern of similar negative reviews on Amazon for Ritz Camera is pretty telling.

Date of experience: May 12, 2017