Reverbnation is a sinking ship for sure. I personally have be a professional artist well over 10 years under the Reverbnation musical family platform. But just recently I've encountered a situation where I was in the process of receiving up substantial amount of royalties via Spotify and distrokid distribution. Which was represented via Reverbnation. Unfortunately within the time frame of them getting ready to execute the royalty payments, Reverbnation sent me a informational text message indicating that they had discovered they had to close my account, with more than 250 plus songs remind you; over 250 songs within 10 years of excruciating song writing, production work.
I entrusted reverbnation platform to represent this large catalog of my music. However the reason I believe Reverbnation is a sinking ship,
Is that they only indicated they had to close my account because of security flaws or security purposes, they never directly explain to me in details what the problem was with the security issues, so until now, they still have not release my royalties, as well as they have taken down my complete catalog of music, at the same time cleaning out my complete account; including my artists bio as well as retaining my banking credentials (debit cards and checking account information) etc. Everything within the framework of tweethyfour hours. Let me remind you, I had been a dedicated artist for Ten years on their music platforms, now my hard intruthed work had been totally removed! After a major investigation, my personal thinking is that, because I had a substantial amount of royalties due, reverbnation alone with distrokid decided they did not want to pay out the royalties,so in order not too, the only way that they could continue to keep my funds was to completely close my account, wipe away any evidences, so I would not be able verify legally that I have had the account. If any of you upcoming or professional artists have experienced a situation such as this with Reverbnation, or in the future you may experienced it, now is time for this particular type of company to live up to their responsibilities. Willful wrongdoings such as this one defiant act against any artist, should not be taken lightly and can lead to more strenuous possibilities of a major class action lawsuit (within the jurisdiction of a USA superior court of law), If any artists such as myself, do not appreciate fictitious online perpetrators such as Reverbnation taken advantage of their musical rights, something can be done about these types of negligence, such as petitioning a court of law to hear our complaints in the contents of a civil lawsuit sued, Because it's not fair that companies like Reverbnation ( with a substantial net worth over 29 million dollars) sinking or not, can just steal hard-earned royalties and music from artists; just because they feel that they can cover it up and getting away with it. We entrust our creatively on their music platforms.
I sincerely hope this text discussion is helpful to other artists that maybe going through some of the same situations I am with Reverbnation. Thanks for checking this out,
Your fellow artist, Danny Deliicfunk Red say, if we fight together, we can make a difference, by posting our dislikes and grievances on other social media sites for others to participate in sharing theirs feedback.
Not trustworthy when paying out artist royalties
Musical promotion services