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North Carolina
2 reviews
0 helpful votes

Greatly overpriced and shockingly unreliable
December 2, 2022

Hands down the absolute WORST company I have EVER dealt with for any product or service. After many years of what seemed to be fairly reliable service, this past spring, summer, and fall (2022), their residential pickup services became increasingly erratic. Rather than weekly pickup, they'd come every 2-3 weeks after repeatedly missing their promised make-up days. Of course, they still billed us the same quarterly amount. We finally called them to terminate service, and then we put the bin out, sealed it shut with rope, and taped 3 large signs on it saying that we terminated the service and wanted the bin removed. But they didn't come to pick up the bin; instead, their service truck periodically came to "empty" the sealed empty bin! (I guess their drivers can't read). We had to make 5 calls to the local number and another 5 calls to their headquarters number before anyone picked up the trash bin almost 1 month later. But in the meantime, charges appeared on our bill, which we again had to call to rectify. (Interestingly, everyone on the phone was nice and accommodating. The problem is that the actual service providers were totally incompetent and never followed through on the promises of the phone operators, who wisely clarified that the survey they wanted us to fill at the end was about the service that they, the phone operators, provided and not the trash collectors!) As if that wasn't frustrating enough, 6 weeks later, we got threatening emails that if we didn't pay the $19.50 we owed them (for what?), they'd send it to a collection agency! We made yet another call to be told that they will credit us the charge and that the threatening emails were from their automated system, which they would have corrected during their quarterly audit! Oh really, and would the collection agency know that after the fact? How about the credit-rating services that would have dinged us for this spurious charge? The topper is that we found another service that is not only reliable, but charges almost 1/6th the cost! That's right! The incredibly unreliable Republic national chain – with economies of scale – was charging us 5.7x what a local competitor is now charging us. And yes, we are kicking ourselves for having not comparison-shopped back when we first moved here.

Date of experience: December 2, 2022