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1 review
3 helpful votes

Horrible Unprofessional Organization
December 13, 2020

I know 3-4 other people who have had same experiences as me. They will take down your information and make an appointment for you and it is hard to find an appointment and when you finally arrive at the appointment you are totally at their mercy. I arrived at my appointment on time and I could not find the building since all the doors were closed and no one was at the entrance so I called and no one picked up. 10 minutes passed by and I saw another donor leaving and ask another her how to get in and when I knocked at the door a red cross employee tried to ignore me. After I kept knocking they finally opened the door and said they were closed. And I told them I had an appointment and it had only been 10 mins since my appointment time and they said sorry we are closed we can't do anything. I told them I was there on time and they closed early and they wasted 10 mins of my time by not opening their doors and not picking up the phone and they wouldn't admit their fault or take my blood donation. I left and told them I never want anything to do with Red Cross.

Another person I know went to his appointment and was told he can't donate blood cause he may potentially have a disease since he travelled to another country a year ago and none of this was ever mentioned before the appointment was made and the country he visited was not included in the list of banned countries that are in the questionnaire before making the appointment. Another person I know couldn't donate blood cause he is gay and apparently red cross doesn't accept blood donations from sexually active gay members due to risk of AIDS/HIV even though anyone could have HIV/AIDS and the blood can be tested for it anyways. They can't rely on people's word to scan the blood for diseases.

Overall Red Cross is a scam and asks people for donations so their employees get paid and they can keep the organization running meanwhile innocent people who just want to donate blood have to jump through a lot of hoops to be able to donate blood. It should not be this hard to donate blood. Red Cross is always the first one to be present at natural disasters to collect peoples money and they have no shame at all. Most of the money donated to red cross doesn't even go to the cause or towards helping people, it goes towards maintaining the organization. The salary of Red Cross CEO is almost $700,000 a year. When I saw the red cross building I was shocked at how big it was and how much it would be costing them to keep this running. Employees of red cross don't care either since they are being paid no matter what.

Date of experience: December 13, 2020