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1 review
4 helpful votes

Ill start by saying that Recovery-Disks.com offered...
January 3, 2012

Ill start by saying that Recovery-Disks.com offered me 30% off to review their service from beginning to end. They asked me to be honest in my review of their services and I would receive the discount off my next order.

I found recovery-disks.com by google searching for a recovery disc for my machine. When I got to the website, I noticed that it is professionally done albeit somewhat hard to read because of the contrasting colors, I was still able to navigate around it.

I did some research on them and found this website. While I was hesitant to order, I placed the order anyway. It looks like they've been in business for a long time, and when you're one of the only companies that offers this service, I'm sure they receive a lot of orders, and being in the industry, I know its difficult to keep people happy. I placed the order and hoped for the best.

The order arrived 6 days after I placed it (4 business days.)

I received the tracking number and invoice in my email inbox. It did go to the SPAM folder so I had to retrieve it from there.

After using the product, the computer is recovered back to the way it should be. I used the product key sticker on the machine to activate it. Some of you state that it didn't have this, but in their FAQ it shows that you are required to have it and its a sticker on the machine itself. If you don't have that, you probably shouldn't order because you might need it to activate your machine.

Those of you getting not authentic copies, need to use your key to activate windows properly.

So, all in all, I'm a happy camper and will be placing another order soon. I own a local repair shop and need these to repair my customers computers on occasion.

Also -- As the owner of a local repair shop, I will say, its not easy to use these discs. There is a reason you pay a computer repair shop a fee to fix your machine. We go through years of schooling to learn how to do this properly. If you aren't able to follow the directions included with the discs, don't expect them to work. You need to have a decent understanding of the English language and some ability to work on computers. After reading some of these reviews, it seems that some of you need to take the discs and the computer to a shop to have it repaired and installed properly.

I will give them 4 stars. Minused one star for ease of use of the website.

Date of experience: January 3, 2012