According to the 'painless changes you can make for a green home' here, if you eat one vegetarian meal a week, that's equivalent to driving a hybrid vehicle. Presumably that implies, taking one gas-only vehicle off the road and replacing it with a hybrid. So given that there are about 62 million cars on the road here, and we can assume that vegetarians eat 7 vegetarian dinners a week, we'd need roughly another 9 million vegetarians in addition to the 7.3 million we already have, to make the equivalent of every family driving a hybrid vehicle instead of a gas-powered one. And we'd never need to build any more hybrids, just go on recruiting new vegetarians at the rate of one adult vegetarian and family per every seven new gas-powered cars. And we wouldn't need to actually take any gas-powered cars off the road, either.
Wait, what?
Well I don't know, it's too complicated for me, I'm a man. But it's a pretty simple site otherwise, which seems to be aimed at busy moms and single girls who could use help with boiling eggs, using leftover boiled eggs, painting easter eggs, and discovering new ways to use old CDs. For example, you can write on them and send them to people as party invitations, in cushioned envelopes, at about a dollar postage each. The old CDs then become the problem of the recipients, who are hopefully reading the same site and know to make them into cook book dividers and give them back to you as party favors.
I also learned what sort of bra to choose to wear under a T-shirt if you have one baggy breast, a problem I'd never even considered previously, but one which presumably haunts women with listing bosoms. The recommended product is a scary $95, though, so you'd have to be more than haunted, I reckon. Possessed, even. Mind you to be honest I have no idea how much these contraptions normally cost, never having bought one and generally preferring to cope with bosoms as they come, uneven or not.
This being entirely a chick thing, and a new-mom, never-cleaned-house, never-cooked sort of chick too, it's a playground for crass male humor. To its target audience, it's perfect, so take no notice of me. Men really aren't supposed to be in here at all.
PS In regard to the much older review, I run Firefox with AdBlock and saw no pop-ups or pop-unders at all here.