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2 reviews
6 helpful votes

Rapido Marine
March 24, 2017

I purchased two 454 marine long block engines from Rapido I dealt with Raul (the owner) on the first one standard rotation and Angle (worker bee) on the second one reverse rotation. Both of the engines
Where installed in my Bertram. The reverse rotation engine had a issue with the crank being tapped to the wrong size harmonic balancer bolt (M12 X1.50) so I had to tap the crank to correct
Size 1/2 x 20 and the wrong intake gaskets where supplied with the block.

The reverse rotation engine had problems right from start. When the engine was started for the first time there was a loud banging noise coming from the engine. We shut the engine down immediately. We went over the engine to try and determine what was causing the problem. After some diagnosis work we determined that the cam shaft was where the noise was coming from.

I called Rapido immediately and was told that they would have their machinist stop by and take a look on Monday, this was Saturday. Monday both myself and my mechanic are waiting for them and they are a no show. I call and complain "Oh sorry be there tomorrow". Tuesday we are both waiting for them again and they are a no show again, I called and was told by Raul that they are too busy to it will not happen today. Wednesday Angle shows up with the machinist and confirms that sometime was not assembled correctly. We suspect the cams thrust washer was wrong or missing. They tell me to pull the motor out at my expense. I made many calls and emails over the next week and half trying to get ahold of Raul to talk to him about this I did finally get this email from Raul, by the way my name is Mike

Hello Brian,

We are very busy right before and after July 4. Not sure what is wrong. Take the engine out if necessary. We will be back on TUESDAY were we can make an appointment a
Week or so in the future to address this issue. Have the engine out by then, on the floor. We do not install engines until we run them on the floor in order to check
Everything properly. Neither you or us know what happened to your motor yet. Be careful that the problem is not your fault because you now might have to pay to fix that

Thank you

Raul, The Owner

After several emails with Raul on 7/16/2014 he sent me an email that said I had 24 hours to get the engine to him or he was going to void the warranties on both of my engines. Being mid week and the
Fact that I work during the week I was not able to get the engine to him within the 24 hours. I ended up taking the engine to Bird Road Machine Shop where they found more then just the cam issue.
Rapido did not use marine grade head gaskets or properly per-pair the heads for installation. They found water intrusion on the #8 cylinder (see pictures) as for the original cam issue they found two home
Made washer like things use as thrust washers and no thrust plate installed. We also found that Rapido installed used parts and several of the used push rods where bent. Bird Road Machine shop rebuilt
The engine for over the next week. Myself and my mechanic re-installed it in my boat. The engine is now working fine.

1) They over charged for the engine. I got a quote from Angle and then when I picked up the engine is cost me $100.00 more.
2) The crank was tapped for an M12 x 1.50 bolt I had to tap it back to 1/2 x 20, I had Angle on the phone to ensure that it would not void my warranty
3) They included the wrong intake manifold gaskets. This cost me another $30.00 and 3 hours of my time
4) I get the engine installed and the timing gear is slamming against the block. This is a build issue, mistakes where made by Rapido or their people
5) They canceled the appointment Angle made because they where to busy, with out even a phone call and they know that I am waiting with my mechanic (I still have for pay my mechanic for his time)
6) Angle finally shows up and determines that they guy made errors in the build and Raul completely ignore the information so you just wasted my time and money
7) Raul decides to void my warranties

Date of experience: March 24, 2017