2 reviews for Rackspace are not recommended
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1 review
0 helpful votes

How Rackspace grounded our company to halt…
November 1, 2023

After being with Rackspace for 15 years our company was by Rackspace stated "hacked via ransomeware" we were never a witness to this but in December of 2022 our systems went down. At the time we had 2 dozen companies on a guaranteed Exchange account that we were charged by Rackspace a $150 a month for our reseller agreement. After the system was down for days we were offered a last minute deal to transfer all our accounts to Microsoft directly to handle an immediate recovery. We were told that we would be charged "$0" for this until the system was restored completely.

After the months of recovery, we were told we could have Rackspace and Microsoft install Microsoft Office suite with the Microsoft to resolve the current issues. They ended up added hundreds of accounts to our system and then informed us 2 months later that we now owe Rackspace almost $3500 a month. After dozens of calls and emails to Rackspace they closed our all our email accounts for the dozens of companies that we manage.

Because of the lack of support and their inability to correct the issue and to not upgrade our account or migrate them correctly. We waited months with limited communications, the accounts that were affected and then Rackspace shut down our accounts again. During this time I migrated all our accounts and closed all accounts except for the main account because I was still waiting for backup. We did not use or create email accounts with those licenses. I reached out to customer support again, I've followed up with support monthly and being told that I need to pay an insane fee to correct the account and no one ever did. I was finally contacted by the CFO of Rackspace after several emails... and was informed that the mistake was made by them and would be corrected immediately.

After all the mixups, and finally getting through to the CFO of Rackspace I was promised that Rackspace would pay our company $3323.33 and provide us an apology. "now I'm getting back from Rackspace that there is no money to be paid our company and no apology for their inability to manage or mismanage all of our accounts!" At this point I would like to give Rackspace a huge "F" for Service and Support.

I as A Microsoft Certified System Engineer, and a Cisco Certified Network Professional know Rackspace used to be a creditable source for hosting by reputable companies, but now am so disappointed to say that is definitely not the case any more. I highly encourage all companies and individuals to avoid Rackspace at all cost for any reason or project and if you're currently using Rackspace I recommend that you start looking into changing hosting solutions.

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Date of experience: November 1, 2023
2 reviews for Rackspace are not recommended