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2 reviews
1 helpful vote

February 1, 2024

I signed up for QMEE years ago started using it, what a joke ONLY MADE A COUPLE DOLLARS cuz it pays out in cents instead of dollars, if u are in Canada u barely make any money from it. DON'T BOTHER! So I then deleted the app & recently back in January I decided to download it again & give it another shot. Once u try & start a survey it'll either kick u out of the survey or it will take u through two or three rabbit holes & let u start a survey after u answer a whole crap ton of questions that have nothing to do with the survey, only to be kicked out of the survey if u answer something the way they don't like. This happens with almost every single survey. In a week I've only managed to cash out $7.00! Now playing the games is even more hilarious because it takes u days to even accomplish one task which doesn't pay very much again (in cents not dollars), then when u go to cash out from that game it takes "90" days for them to deliver ur payout.(YES YOU READ THAT RIGHT)!

Now the reason for this review is cause of the fraudulent activity that has happened on my credit card account as off 2AM,!...According to my credit card company. So,...Most of the surveys ask personal information bank account info, ur name & D.O.B, where u live, all of this kind of information that is super personal. It's funny how after I complained to Qmee that they were asking me personal questions & trying to sign me up for things that all of a sudden fraudulent activity happens. So apparently my credit card company got a call at 2AM this morning (I was asleep), from someone trying to say that they were me & asked them to cancel my credit card & send another in the mail. But, upon checking with my credit card company, my address on file & the address that the person gave them to send the new credit card to was incorrect. They are refusing to tell me the phone number in which this person called from & the address that was given. After being transferred to five different representatives and being on the phone for almost an hour, I had to get them to cancel this credit card & now send me another one in the mail after they didn't have my permission. Not only is this a huge waste of my time this is very concerning, & a whole lot of unwanted stress. This should be against the law if it isn't already & I feel like Qmee should be shut down especially in Canada. Unfortunately after reading some reviews online about the app, I also see one or two other people who have had fraudulent activity happen to their bank account or credit card. STAY FAR AWAY! DONT WASTE YOUR TIME! I STARTED A CIVIL LAWSUIT AGAINST QMEE!

Date of experience: February 1, 2024