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1 review
3 helpful votes

Avoid At All Costs
February 8, 2024

I want to say most of the Customer Service representatives I talked to were fine. They were doing things by the book they were given.

That being said, our experience was fairly poor. It is frustrating to be given a date and time for pickup during work hours consistently. My wife and I work medical jobs where we have patients scheduled out weeks in advance. We made arrangements to be available at the time/date/location given. The day before our pickup, the instructions disappeared from the website. When I called to see what happened, it turned out that the drop-off was rescheduled to the next week because the breeder did not get the dog to the vet on time. The only reason I found out was because I called. I rescheduled patients to be available the following week. This was rescheduled 2 days before pickup day to the next day due to weather. This was not PuppySpot's fault but frustrating. I rescheduled patients a 2nd time. The day before our pickup, the instructions disappeared from the website AGAIN. I called and PuppySpot did not know why our dog was not picked up. I had to call the transportation company who told me that the breeder thought the pickup was next week and the 31 week old puppy "was not ready". Our concerns were elevated to a manager who offered us $100 off the delivery fee but there was no flexibility on their end to ensure our puppy was delivered. We did finally get our puppy the next week but the saga continues.

The puppy we received is terrified of humans. He was clearly not socialized enough during his time as a young puppy. He won't let us pet him. He is scared of almost all noises. We cannot hold him to give him a bath. If we walk towards him he runs away. He won't eat treats so training has been tough. We have to keep a leash on him at all times just to be able to collect him in the house for walks or crate training. We are doing everything we can. We are going to work with an Animal Behavior Specialist. He is not a bad dog. He means well and is sweet. He actually gets along with our dogs very well. He just is scared of us and this falls on the breeder. The medical paperwork is covered in white out and edited dates. It indicates his rabies vaccine was given on his birthday. How? Again, on the breeder.

PuppySpot did little to nothing to help us get our dog and they clearly do not screen their breeders. The puppy we received was clearly from a Puppy Mill, something PuppySpot claims they never work with.

Date of experience: February 8, 2024