Our last order with Pottery Barn has been nothing but a disappointment and headache. We purchased two bathroom vanities online. On July 11 we had it scheduled for delivery. The day of the delivery the representative called explained that one of the bowls was missing and they were going to deliver the other parts. When the representative told me they said that they had to open a claim to try to locate the bowl. I didn't agree with it. It wasn't our fault that they lost it. Why did I need to wait for a claim for them to put another order for my bowl? After hours on the the phone with Pottery Barn customer service, I had someone willing to help and place another order immediately for the missing bowl. My house was under renovation so I had a contractor that would be responsible for the installation. Pottery Barn delivered all other parts and my contractor installed them. They had to customize and remove parts of the back of the vanities to allow to connect with the pipe in the back. Unfortunately, they couldn't finish the installation because of the bowl missing in the other vanity. Today, we had the 2nd bowl scheduled for delivery, and again the distribution center called 30 minutes before delivery saying that they wouldn't deliver the bowl because it was damaged. The distribution center representatives are extremely rude and not helpful. At this point we were upset because we already had a schedule with the person that was going to finish the installation. They talked to my husband and said the only thing they could do for us was expedite the order. When I received the email for the 3rd bowl order, it didn't seems like an expedited order as the delivery window for the order was from August 12 - 30 (a month roughly from order time). I called Pottery Barn customer service again and they told me that some items can be expedited but not a sink bowl. Now I can be without a sink in my bathroom for over a month. At this point, I just wanted to return everything. All the headaches, missing days from work, hours on the phone trying to find someone that can help, extra expenses because I have to hire someone again to do the install because Pottery Barn failed to deliver when the contractor was at my house. It isn't worth it because I could have gone to Amazon and purchased a vanity with the same quality and have no headaches with delivery. I had been a long time customer for Pottery Barn but after reading all the complaints and dealing with these headaches I'm wondering if this company is not the same anymore. I will update this post after the third attempt of delivery window has past. Wish me good luck.