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1 review
17 helpful votes

The rudest customer service I have ever experienced
June 26, 2017

If you expect good customer service or a friendly environment you won't get it here. Especially if you would like some help. It's definitely not worth asking. Simon one of the 'apparent' CEO's is the rudest most arrogant person I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with. I was polite, friendly and had read everything on the site before asking for clarification on a few things to make sure I was understanding the use of the 'free photos' correctly. It's a world of confusing information out there! I was told to get lost, he wasn't going to help me and if I asked any questions my account would be closed. I am at a loss to understand his behaviour and have never experienced such rudeness from someone providing a service in my life. There was no need for him to 'threaten me' with account closure as I sure wasn't going to hang around and support a website run by such a rude, arrogant person. I was quite willing to contribute financially on a regular basis too so he lost a paying customer in me. I think he needs to remember the following sayings (hence why I'm writing this review) 1. On average, loyal customers are worth up to 10 times as much as their first purchase. 2. It takes 12 positive experiences to make up for one unresolved negative experience 3. News of bad customer service reaches more than twice as many ears as praise for a good service experience. If you ever get to read this Simon... take note! You definitely need to brush up on your customer service skills. I will make sure I tell anyone and everyone about my experience. I have screen shot your message to me for future reference and as proof should anyone need confirmation of your disgusting behaviour! ADDITIONAL NOTE: In response to Simon's noted added to this review. What he is saying is not true. This was my question and his reply follows: "Hi Simon thanks for your reply. As my question was closed, this was the only way I could respond. Before I asked the question in the forum, I did read every single thing on your forums, on your blog, FAQ's, terms and conditions and messaged the photographers of each photo I wanted to use to make sure that my use was ok with them. I haven't received a reply as yet. I also researched Creative Commons etc etc etc etc so I didn't post the question without research. Copyright is extremely difficult to understand as well as Creative Commons as there seems to be many exceptions. My understanding of the exceptions are that if a person is depicted in a way that causes harm or if a place is easily identifiable then it may still be subject to copyright from a source other than the photographer or if a photo depicts branded items eg., lego then it is still subject to further licensing/permissions or if you water mark or infer that the images are yours by way of printing your website etc on the image... these are all acceptable uses for the public domain images. Are there any other uses that aren't ok that I've missed?

After researching, my conclusion was "yet" I can use them (for my intended use). But as I am new to your site, I want to confirm that my understanding or conclusion is correct and that I wasn't infringing on anyone's rights.

I would really love some help in confirming that I am on the right track in my understanding. I am also very happy to contribute on a regular basis if I can use the photos.

I just need to know that I am on the right track and would really appreciate help.


That was my letter to Simon. His response was "Read on your own. With your next message or post, I'll close your Pixabay account!"

I've uploaded his response in the photo attached.

I'm not a person who likes confrontation/writes review etc. but there comes a time when sometimes people should be held accountable for their bad behaviour.

Thank you for reading.

Date of experience: June 26, 2017