Low end products, miss leading website on how much it actually costs for the part to reach you, parts are purposefully low and they add on shipping, even tho you qualify for free shipping, then taxes of course, and if you are international consumer, you have duty and handing fee's. The best part of this BS company, No where does it stat that is using USD... 100$ CDN is much different than USD. Its 2020 and this company can not or willfully will not display the final price of a product to you. They sucker you in with low item prices and add the extra costs as you move in to check out. DONT BUY FROM HERE!@Michael.
Good day,
You know Michael this situation could have been resolved with a 25 $ credit on the current order but your customer service was not willing to do that, however they were going to credit me on my next order which was unacceptable to me... if a company is willing to take credit for errors or mishaps at lest make it right immediately and not lead the customer on.
I wonder who has imposed that company policy?
You want to fix this situation, be clear and up front, " in your free shipping adds put "ONLY IN THE USA", does not take much, I know i am a website designer, but you don't why?
Can you answer that with a real answer?
Spend some money on the website to go over the final details... to make it easy for first time customers to shop on your website... this inevitably will pay dividend.
2nd your pricing, at check out the total does not state USD... When this was brought to your customer service Representative she said and i quote "
We are a USA company and We don't have to do that"... really WOW!
This could be fixed with a simple script setting that when a customer enters his or her address, it auto calculates the total in their currency.
Option #2 ask the customer where they are shopping from when they 1st entered the site, like most sites. Simple website development... again attention to detail is lacking
3rd if you read all your other reviews you can see i am not the only one with this issue... why is this not fixed you have had the time?
Is it because you don't care?
Is it because your company is to cheep to pay for a good website developer?
In short sir, your website and customer service policies are sub par and i wonder with this digital age (eCommerce) how much longer are you going to be in business when the main face of the company (website) is in this sorry state. All of these are simple to fix, but huge headaches for customers.
I just want to say how incredibly awesome every single one of your customer service people are. I have bought from lost of online parts suppliers accross the world, Rexbo Germany Brit-car United Kingdom, ECS Tuning, Autohaus and MBpartsonline to name a few in the US but NO-ONE stands out for the kind of customer service Pelican Parts gives its customers. It just seems to be embedded in every contact your customer service peiopl, e have with a customer. No matter what the customer request issue or problem pelican Parts customer service people do EVERYTHING within their power to help, no one else does this as thoroughly as Pelican Parts. I feel when I reccomend Pelican Parts to a friend I am actually doing that friend a favour knowing how well they will get looked after. Your website information is great your prices are unbeatable, shipping is A1 both time and cost and then there is the people that make all this work so fantastically well.
We all are too quick to let somone know when we are unhappy but to infrequently praise good service and Pelican Parts is the gold standard in my opinion.
Please add my thanks to all those I am sure that priase Pelican Parts for doing what it does.
No quirks just dont feel shy to call out for any kind of help the service is great.