82 reviews for PayPal are not recommended
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1 review
0 helpful votes

March 13, 2025

I would like to advise people that PayPal can not be trusted... I tried to claim a refund on a item that was delivered to a different address I never got my goods after so many emails... Also PayPal said they have a pic of delivery so they are happy even though it clearly was not my front door... They accept random pics from front doors even without asking for your own pic of your own. DON'T TRUST ANYMORE.

Date of experience: March 12, 2025
1 review
0 helpful votes

PayPal Breaching Their Own Terms and Conditions! How can they be trusted?
October 21, 2023

We have had an issue with PayPal where they have been holding money for 180 days and this has gone on for 5 years where they say they will release the funds after 180 days and then simply add 180 days more saying it is to protect themselves against chargebacks. We thought this was absurd to put it mildly how can there be a chargeback after 5 years when we never had issues in the 10+ years we used the account? We asked PayPal to agree to ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) they have ignored the request then when looking at the web we found a Private Investigation agency is looking into PayPal the posting on the invetigators site said "PayPal in Canada Breaching their own terms and conditions relating to alternative dispute resolution" we spoke to them and they suggested writing to PayPal in Toronto so we sent a letter with signature on delivery but have heard nothing. Below is what appears in their terms and conditions as the investigator says they are breaching their own T&C's we have all the proof if PayPal contact us but we are not holding our breath!

"6. Disputes
If a dispute arises between you and PayPal, our goal is to learn about and address your concerns. If we are unable to address your concerns to your satisfaction, we will seek to provide you with a neutral and cost-effective means of resolving the dispute quickly. Disputes between you and PayPal regarding the Service may be reported to Customer Service. Please click here for Customer Service.

A party requesting relief may elect to resolve a claim (excluding claims for injunctive or other equitable relief) in a cost-effective manner through binding non-appearance-based arbitration if the total amount of the award sought is less than $10,000.00 CAD.

A party electing arbitration will do so through an established alternative dispute resolution ("ADR") provider mutually agreed upon by the parties. The ADR provider and the parties must comply with the following rules: (i) the arbitration shall be conducted by telephone, online and/or be solely based on written submissions, with the specific manner to be chosen by the party initiating the arbitration; (ii) the arbitration shall not involve any personal appearance by the parties or witnesses unless otherwise mutually agreed by the parties; and (iii) any judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction."

Products used:

PayPal online account

Date of experience: October 21, 2023
1 review
0 helpful votes

Paypal hold your money without Reazon!
September 5, 2023

Paypal is doing things like withholding the money from your account on suspicion of what? I don't know, I have been sending documents that they ask me to guarantee for 5 days, I imagine that I am not laundering money with my account with a balance of USD$331, we opened this account approximately 7 months ago, when they demanded it and withheld my money for a deposit through a payment of $343.00 by credit card, the client has not claimed anything, no client has, I sent my Corporate registration in the state of Georgia, of my business M&J Multiservices LLC, I do not sell any inventory, but rather I provide non-legal advisory services, as well as I sent my Tax ID number, legalized with the IRS respectively as required by law, both state and federal, and Paypal has a record of my Bank of America account to which I make my money transfers When they don't hold it from me as in this case, I imagine again on suspicion of what? I don't know, payment made through Zettle, a terminal that I acquired by paying for it, and every time I make a transaction I pay the corresponding fee, the last thing they asked me for was an ID, which I sent at the time so they would know that I am an American citizen who pays her taxes correctly and who has lived in this country for almost 23 years, I am about to complete a week of suspicions about my actions in my Multiservice business, a business that is legal and duly registered under my name, something else What seems strange to me is that I have a credit card issued by Paypal, so far I don't know what I could be doing wrong so that Paypal withholds my money, without a court order, and no IRS requirement, maybe it's a bad official That they don't know what they're doing, I understand that there are rules, and they can demand that I comply with them, but not after 7 months of opening the account, and having obtained a credit card, they come to withhold my money, only $331 dollars for an unfounded suspicion

Products used:

Credit card transfer

Date of experience: September 5, 2023
1 review
0 helpful votes

August 19, 2023

I, with a witness present, tested & purchased a Precor elliptical from Melissa Lock of Sioux Falls, SD. She advertised this unit as a "commercial unit". Upon testing the unit, there was an evident creak/groan; Melissa assured us this was simply due to a "loose bolt" and that she herself had had to tighten this bolt before. I accepted this explanation and she was paid online via PayPal.
Immediately upon getting the elliptical home, my husband tipped it up on its front and removed the plastic covering to try to address the "loose bolt". It was immediately clear there were 2 visible cracks in the main ramp/platform, each 4-5". My husband contacted a licensed Precor sales rep in Sioux Falls who noted the rust in the cracks (so they're old), they'd been recently greased (so she tried to cover the issue to get through a sale), and most importantly, he also noted the elliptical was misadvertised by Melissa: she advertised this unit as a $6,000 'commercial' use unit, when it is in fact a simple 'home' machine, per the licensed Precor sales rep.
I contacted Melissa and advised her of this information; I requested she provide $150-$200 to split the cost of a replacement part, which is $498. She responded by suggesting I am overweight so I broke the item (I am 165lbs. And the unit has a 300lb. Weight limit, per the elliptical's unit listing). We were leaving on our honeymoon the next day so I filed a claim both with PayPal and Wells Fargo the day after our return. The Wells Fargo agent asked for no information during filing of this claim; approx. 2-3 weeks later, I was notified via generic letter that the case was denied. Not once had anyone ever asked for any details or information from me.
I proceeded with the case with PayPal. The seller offered a refund if I ship the item back to a PO Box in Howard, SD (2 hours from here). I did look into this and it costs $2,200 to do so via UPS. Regardless, due to USPS weight limit restrictions, USPS will not accept or receive items weighing more than 70lbs. The elliptical itself weighs 197lbs. So this is literally impossible.
I called PayPal the week of 8/3 to inquire about my required action: to ship back the elliptical to a PO Box. I advised them of USPS 70lb. Shipping or receiving weight limit restrictions. The agent in this 1st call requested I simply upload proof of this weight limit from the USPS into the PayPal messaging/chat feature. I did so. I called back Monday 8/7 to confirm this was received; this 2nd agent confirmed this was received & uploaded. She also confirmed I should avoid 'responding' to the claim- as it requires a tracking number- and allow PayPal to provide me with an alternative response or next step: that the seller would have to provide a non-PO Box return item, and/or they would proceed with a refund. PayPal stated they would have this updated response to me within 48 hours.
After 72 hours had passed, I called them again, on 8/10. I explained the situation all over to the now 3rd agent, who then transferred me to a supervisor (so now on my 4th agent). He stated this action was "still with their back team" and requested I give them "a few more days".
I called back, again, on 8/13. I got to explain the situation for the 5th time, and was ultimately transferred to another supervisor (so now the 6th agent) who stated not only was this not ever sent to a "back team", but she confirmed my suspicion: as there was no update sent "back", had I not called in again and/or responded to the case via the directed action, then the case would've been closed against me on 8/15. She also noted she reviewed the previous calls' notes and did NOT see my complaint about weight limit listed anywhere (despite that being the sole reason I'd called in 4 times now in the span of 10 days). After her review of the previous calls' recordings, she apologized profusely and stated it was likely too late to reverse this process and noted the current disposition, with the inaccurate information, was showing the case was likely not going to close in my favor.
In this 4th call, this PayPal supervisor- Kayla- requested I contact my financial institution to file a claim. I advised her that I had already done this, and that they had denied the claim without so much as requesting collateral information. She stated Wells Fargo had NOT investigated this with them and they "have the ability to file a chargeback". Thus, the PayPal supervisor explicitly directed me to reach back out to Wells Fargo again, given this new information/change in the case, and advised I should request Wells Fargo REQUEST a refund from PayPal so they could issue one without going through this dispute process. She confirmed they WOULD issue this refund, given the accurate information I'd provided her. She sent this in an e-mail to me to confirm; see attached.
I was literally lied to by 5 various agents, who seemed to just tell me anything I wanted to hear to get me off the phone. The supervisor confirmed the phone calls do not match up with the notes in the file. I have wasted approximately 4 hours of my time, and I now have a broken piece of large equipment in my garage I get to haul to the dump AND I'm out $750. I tried to resolve this with the seller, starting as low as requesting a $150 refund, and have went through the appropriate channel with PayPal. The supervisor at PayPal herself is advising me to go through Wells Fargo.
I use large, national systems such as PayPal and Wells Fargo as I trust they protect people from fraud & scammers. That has turned out not to be true with PayPal and I will be immediately closing that account once I am done with this. I hope that is not the case with Wells Fargo, as I have been a trusted customer for 15-20 years. I have filed minimal claims/disputes with Wells Fargo but 100% of the previous ones I have filed were confirmed.

On 8/16, as predicted by myself & PayPal supervisor, PayPal closed/denied claim not in my favor stating I did not provide them the tracking # provided. This is in direct contrast to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd phone calls where I was specifically & directly told to NOT to respond to the case as they would provide me with next steps.

I cannot express the disgusting feeling this has given me. That I was basically told something just to get off the phone and finally a logical employee admitted the many agents before me had typed in something 100% inconsistent in their notes vs. the recordings of the calls, apparently just so they could close their case.

Tip for consumers:

Customer service outsourced and it shows.

Products used:


Date of experience: August 19, 2023
1 review
0 helpful votes

June 30, 2023


Tip for consumers:


Date of experience: June 30, 2023
New York
2 reviews
2 helpful votes

May 28, 2023

PayPal refuses to refund money taken from by bank account via ACH for a purchase that was cancelled same day of purchase with both PayPal and the seller Mr. Porter. PayPal is trying to contort the narrative that I attempted to use a PayPal credit that was denied. As a result they took money via bank ACH. Here is the problem with that lie and misinformation. The purchase was made May 14 online at the Mr. Porter website. I choose the payment via payment in 4 via my American Express. It's the method I always use. When I realized the full amount, I immediately called PayPal. They were closed. Their online chat bot referred my to the portal. I checked cancel agreement. A few hours later when they opened, I called an cancelled on the telephone. Then I called the seller Mr. Porter. I cancelled twice. First with a rep, and then a manager. The manager confirmed the cancellation. I then called PayPal to confirm. PayPal told me I was good. But the money was from my debit card. That was rarely use my debit card. It's always American Express due to their buyers protection. I underscored with PayPal the order was CANCELED. Much to my chagrin, the next day the took money via ACH from my bank. I filed multiple disputes with PayPal. I even had the seller CONFIRM the order was cancelled, never shipped, and never delivered. Yet papal continues to play games refunding $1317 to my account. I even have an email from the seller confirming the refund and cancellation. Moreover, I have an email from a PayPal rep named John. He confirmed the seller had until May 25. At that point PayPal would refund. It's May 28, and PayPal has now asked until June 4. Unacceptable. Their new supervisor Avinish has twisted the narrative to say I wanted to use a PayPal seller credit ( of which there is ZERO credit available) to make a $1317 purchase? That's preposterous and a lie. I wanted the purchase from my American Express with pay in 4 option. They CONVENIENTLY obviated that payment option because they knew Amex had buyers protection where debit cards rarely have this. As of May 28, I have sent Paypay the sellers email confirming the refund and cancellation. PayPal also has the RECORDING of their own rep John saying the dispute would be closed by May 25 and my money refunded.PayPal has engaged in predatory and bad business practices. I am demanding my $1317 refunded ASAP

Tip for consumers:

Avoid PayPal . Look for alternative ways to play

Products used:


Date of experience: May 28, 2023
7 reviews
21 helpful votes

Resolution Center is a complete joke!
May 18, 2023

I've been a customer with PayPal for over 15 years. I opted for PayPal when making purchases for security purposes 'So I won't be scammed' by fly by night deceitful businesses'. I ordered a security outside camera from a company named (EKOMM SOCIETY L TD). They sent me the camera in Japanese on March 13th 2023. Once I downloaded the app I was unable to change the language. Therefore the camera is not operable for me as an American. The camera won't sync, It just clearly doesn't work It won't connect to the internet and won't do anything. I have several external/internal cameras around home. I asked the company to send me one in English or refund me back my money, but they refused. I even paid an extra $10 a warranty fee just in case something happens to the camera. Clearly EKOMM had no intentions validating my concern. They Literally wanted me to send the camera back to them in China. For almost two months I went back and forth with them. I then put it in PayPal's hand and I filed a complaint. PayPal did not validate my concern or even investigate the company. They just did their normal back and forth BS as everyone does these days. JUST VERY BAD CUSTOMER SERVICE NO ONE WANTS TO DO THEIR JOB. No matter today is May 11th and I've closed my account with PayPal. Once I closed my accounts with them they offered to give me back my money and investigate the company. I told them NO "I'm not going to spend my money with any entity that does not serve me well." This is to say I'm very disappointed in PayPal and it's happening everywhere with bad customer service. No one wants to be held accountable for their business tactics, professionalism, ethicalism, or bad customer service. I'm of the OLD SCH class! I don't spend my money where I'm not represented. I am very disappointed in how PayPal handled the situation and I still have this stupid looking camera that doesn't work. PayPal account closed... As we all know there is no such thing as a zero rating there.

Products used:

PayPal is a third party supposably for security purposes purchasing site..

Date of experience: May 18, 2023
Rhode Island
1 review
0 helpful votes

April 27, 2023

PayPal is the best...!

Products used:


Date of experience: April 25, 2023
1 review
0 helpful votes

Disgusted with PayPal's customer service
April 17, 2023

I loved PayPal and used it many years.

In February I ordered a product that was advertised on facebook. The company immediately confirmed my purchase with an email. Payment was made with PayPal. The next day I got a statement from PayPal charging my credit card more than the actual confirmation email and advertised price.

I immediately tried to cancel the order suspecting this was a fraudulent business. Declareion said they could not cancel the shipment because it supposedly had shipped from China and was in Italy already. It was in Italy for over three weeks. Then sent to the state of Indiana, then to Pennsylvania. I never received legit tracking information. Every once and awhile, I would get an email saying where the product was located.

I received another statement from PayPal saying that Declareion (according to PayPal they go by several names) had issued a refund for the inflationed amount they charged me. I wrote to PayPal telling them of the many frustrating email replies I got from Declareion.

After I finally received the product it didn't work as described. I again sent Declareion an email asking for a return shipping label for the defective product. I was told that I would not want to return the product because the shipping was so expensive. It did not work but they didn't stand behind the product and would not give me any information on returning it.

I filed a claim with PayPal something that I had never done before. They wanted me to send the invoices that I got from Declareion or Briquao Co, Ltd. I never got one invoice from either company. I offered to send PayPal every email I received from these two companies. I was told it wasn't necessary. They would be in touch with Declareion and Briquao for "their side of the story". I immediately received an email from PayPal saying my claim was denied since I hadn't sent them any invoices. PayPal provided me with the only financial information I received. I was told that if I wanted an explanation was to the facts that these two fraudulent companies provided I was to send PayPal a letter asking for that information. That was two months ago. I haven't heard a word from them.

I haven't used PayPal again. All of the claims they made about being an advocate for the consumer is as big a farce as the "business" that took my money.

Date of experience: April 17, 2023
2 reviews
0 helpful votes

Preditors DO NOT TRUST
April 7, 2023

I received a payment from one of my customers who is a California licensed realtor. PayPal accepted the payment on 4/4/23@ 230pm. They sent a receipt of payment to me & my customer. PayPal did not post the payment to my account as they usually do. I contacted PayPal to inquire about the payment. I was informed that the payment was under a compliance audit & the payment wouldn't be posted for 72 hrs. I called back on the morning of day 3 & was told to call back in 2hrs because it hadn't been a full 72hrs. I called back exactly at the 72hr. Mark. I was informed by a supervisor named Adrian that I was mislead/lied to about the payment release time. There is actually NO exact time when the payment would be released. PayPal collected money for my company, the transaction cleared, & PayPal is refusing to release my funds. All of the staff at PayPal have alluded that something was suspicious about my client & that was the reason the funds haven't been released. It sounds like PayPal is discriminating against my client who is Muslim! I gave PayPal all of the information that would support our transaction & the information is also listed on the invoice sent to my client. PayPal is still refusing to release my funds & there is NO expected date when those funds will be available to me. Adrian the supervisor stated that the reason they won't release my payment is because they cannot verify the address of my customer. When I look at the invoice not only is his address on the invoice there it also has a green check mark by the address that says confirmed. Paypal is refusing to release my funds & now they won't provide a refund either. They are making me wait an additional 72 business hours which translates into 6 days because today is Friday. I have been informed that if they choose not to provide a refund that they can keep it indefinitely. I requested to speak to a higher authority & was left on hold with No response. Not only is this DISCRIMINATION, it also a crime.

Tip for consumers:


Products used:


Date of experience: April 7, 2023