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1 review
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One word to describe PawpedicsPAWfection! :)
July 14, 2020

We have a family dog named Clark, he is a 9 year old mixed breed (Labrador/Rottweiler). Our vet has advised us that he is starting to develop a little arthritis on his back left leg. We have also noticed him slowly getting up and limping from his previous dog mattress. So I decided to shop for an orthopaedic dog bed. I had done some research as I wanted a few features including an alright bed height for him to hop on and off, good size for our lounge room for him to lie on, temperature control and of course affordability.

I reckon I practically hit the jackpot when I found Pawpedics! I loved how you guys are an Australian company too so it was like ordering from my own backyard. Not only is the Pawpedics bed scratch, stain and dirt resistant, it is alsopet hair resistant! Dog hair easily brushes off without embedding into the material. A big bonus that I never thought was possible!

Also, thankfully it isn't only a slab of memory foam. It is unique that it has 3 distinct layers, each having different features and they all work! It even has a waterproof inner cover. I couldn't believe that you guys practically thought of everything! I was extremely happy making the purchase.

I ordered the large one and the dog/bed sizing chart was accurate. Also the colour is amazing! When it arrived, our family was already impressed with the packaging alone! It arrived in a timely manner, vacuum sealed to tip-top condition. The box it arrived in even had a Pawpedics picture of a cute dog lying and relaxing spread out on the bed. Well, that is exactly how Clark looks and feels now! Hehehe Clark LOVES his new Pawpedics bed!

I can also say that your Pawpedics beds work 110%! It's like magic! Clark doesn't limp with aches and pains whenever he gets up anymore! He looks so happy, relaxed and loves to sleep/nap soundly on it without tossing and turning to find a comfortable position because wellthe WHOLE bed is comfortable!

I want to thank Alex, Hollie-Ann, Richard, Tom and the rest of the Pawpedics team! Purchasing your Pawpedics Orthopaedic dog bed has truly gone above and beyond our family expectations regarding all aspects. This includes your range of products, bed sizes/design, bed features, service and overall end result. Clark gives his "woof" of approval as well! Well done guys! More power to you! Please keep up the fantastic work!

Date of experience: July 14, 2020