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1 review
2 helpful votes

Customer Service is not what they say!
April 27, 2021

It is with a bit of reservation and great disappointment in which I write this review.

Let me first start by saying, Paul C Buff makes some great products. I have been a loyal fan and customer ever since I got into studio lighting, so much so that I have purchased the following from them:

13' Heavy Duty Combination Boom Stand, $119.95,

20° Grid for 7" Standard Reflector, $19.95,

7" Standard Reflector, $14.95,

PLM White Front Diffusion FabricSelect Size: 86" PLM White Front Diffusion Fabric, $22.95,

86" Soft Silver PLM Umbrella, $69.95,

Grid for 47" Foldable Octabox, $54.95,

47" Foldable Octabox, $169.95,

Cyber Commander, $179.95,

CyberSync Transceiver, $29.95,

Einstein Flash Unit, $499.95,

Grid for 30" x 60" Foldable Softbox, $54.95,

30" x 60" Foldable Softbox, $159.95,

3 DigiBee Flash Units -- DB800 (Red), $349.95,

Grid for 32" x 40" Foldable Softbox, $39.95,

32" x 40" Foldable Softbox, $129.95,

CyberSync Transceiver, $29.95,

2 DigiBee Carrying Bags, $19.95,

24" Silver Foldable Beauty Dish, $99.95

Vagabond Mini Lithium, $239.95

2 Grids for 10" x 36" Foldable Stripbox, $29.95

2 10" x 36" Foldable Stripboxes, $119.95

Total $3744. 50

That is why I wish I did not have to write this customer service review as I know that Paul C Buff was once known for, and possibly still is known for, its great customer support. I unfortunately cannot say that this was my experience.

I purchased a Vagabond Mini system a little over a year ago – 16 months to be exact. Because of the arrival of a new baby to our family and COVID, I did not get the chance to enjoy any location shooting. Last week, I opened the package and went to charge up the battery. Unfortunately, the battery would not accept a charge. I did a little troubleshooting and determined it was a battery issue. I contacted Customer Service and explained to them the situation I was in and how I was late opening the package and that I was past the warranty period. I was hoping that they would overlook my 4 months past warranty and replace the battery for me so that I could at least try out the Vegabond Mini once. With all the hardship going on, I was hoping this company would live up to its promise of being great customer service.

I do realize that what I was asking for was above and beyond what they needed to do. They clearly make you aware of the warranty period. I am not saying they are in the wrong by any means. What I am saying is I hoped that they would treat a loyal customer who has spent thousands on lighting equipment a bit more like family and helped during these very different and difficult times.

What they don't really make you aware of is that the battery needs to be used and charged at least every 3 months, and that if they battery is used and put away without charging it will only last a few days and will no longer accept a charge. This is not a typical behavior of batteries but the circuitry they have in them is fairly unique to Paul C Buff and therefore not something you would think about. I have let rechargeable batteries die in phones, cars, remotes, etc... and none had special circuitry that prevented it from being charged up again. Anyway, I digress.

The response I received is that the battery cannot be charged after sitting for a length of time based on the built-in circuitry that prevents it from accepting a charge for "safety" reasons. I also was told that if I want to I can purchase another battery at full price... go figure. When I responded and asked them to reconsider, I was told the warranty info again and that they have a manual in the box that says to charge the battery. In the same box I hadn't opened! I was also told that the manuals were online. I didn't think that when I ordered it, I would have to read the safety warnings on the digital manual. With battery behavior this unique, I think it would be prudent for them to put it in writing on the page where you order them. Nevertheless, I asked them again to reconsider and sympathize with my plight, after all, I am not just anyone, I am a customer who has invested thousands of dollars into their products. They told me if I do this for you I will have to do this for everyone, so the answer no! Soooo disappointing.

So here are my options: I spend the extra $$ for a battery and hold a grudge and don't buy anymore from Paul C Buff, I sell my stuff and switch brands, or I accept that all businesses including Paul C Buff run with the same values "Thanks for your money, now give me more." What would you do in this situation?

Products used:

All of them

Date of experience: April 27, 2021