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New Hampshire
1 review
1 helpful vote

Never again!
December 10, 2020

I have been ordering ornaments from this site for 15 years. Each year I order between six and ten ornaments for various people The ornaments are always cute and of good quality. However, their customer service has been consistently going downhill the past several years and this year I have had enough. I placed an order and three days later I was advised via email that "one of my items" is no longer in stock. It was in stock when I ordered it, and they didn't tell me which item. I sent an email to inquire, which took two days to get a response. I wanted to replace that item with the same one, only in a different color that still was available. They couldn't seem to figure that out and told me that I had to place a new order. Since my original order qualified for free shipping, I asked about that and they said that they would credit me, but since they couldn't even respond in a timely way or process an order when placed, I didn't have much hope for it. Then I noticed that they had double charged my credit card... once for the original order and one without the unavailable item. Because you cannot place a phone call, I emailed again and they said that the first one was a hold, yet they had sent the order at that point but never released the hold. Another item in my order was actually twice the advertised price and I'm still waiting, five days later, for an explanation on that, but don't expect to get one. Try personalizedornamentsforyou.com instead! I replaced the one item in my order with one from them and it came in less than a week. I'll be using them from now on.

Date of experience: December 10, 2020