WORST EXPERIENCE EVER! The lady in the fitting room was so rude! She was old, short blond hair and white. Thinking that I would help her put the clothes on the rack so she wouldn't have to but instead she yelled at me and gave me attitude. "that doesn't belong there!" snatched it from me and I stood there with my kids. I asked "Really?!" she said yes REALLY! YOU NEED TO LEARN HOW TO READ! I was shocked at the what she said to me! I told her "YOU CANT TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!" I didn't even see the sign that they had put up. There was a bystander and he didn't even do or say anything! So I went to the Manager (his name was Alan), explained everything and he said that he would talk to her. I called back in 30 mins and he said that he sat her down and spoke to her and she did apologize. I think he was lying and was just trying to play it off. I said, that's fine, but I really don't want any more of your customers going through what I did. He said that he already notified his store manager about it as well. GOOD - if he really did! But that lady lied and left out the part that she said i need to learn how to read. I should have stayed and had it situated. Cause he said that she never stated that I needed to learn how to read. He also stated that he's going to go with what his employee said vs what I said. I understand but really? When I explained the situation right then and there, and then call to explain it again, hes going to deny it?
WELL... isn't that funny. That's how the whole incident happened! He said he's not going to fire her. He's not going to babysit because we are all adults. This experience taught me that if there is a problem EVER, You should always try to resolve it at the store along with the Manger, Make a big scene so EVERYONE would know. I'm upset that my kids had to see how this horrible lady treated me. This is NOT OKAY! PEOPLE NEED TO SPEAK UP AND NEED TO KNOW THIS KIND OF SERVICE IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Please, for your own sake, SHOP AT A DIFFERENT OLD NAVY! DO NOT SHOP HERE! And lady if you are reading this complaint! I CAN READ! AND I CAN ALSO WRITE!