Ignore the scare tactics. Always pay by VISA, if you don't get them, or they are not in sealed packs, contest the charge, you will always prevail. I have purchased my meds since 2008 and have been skeptical. Back in 2008 I found pharmacychecker (I am not related or paid by them) and talked to the owner (I thought they were a scam). He explained he checked each listed company to make sure there was a licensed pharmacist and that it came from a country with as strong protections as our FDA.
Since 2008 I have ordered probably 14x from 3 companies. All my results were good. All meds came from world class pharma manufacturers such as McLoads or Ciplo. All worked. I take statins, a bp med and have bought tadalafil (cialis). I have access to a Cholestek and can and do track my lipids. I take my own bp with a stethoscope and cialias, if it doesn't work a guy can tell right away. I switched 3x because companies often start at a low price and then double. Currently I buy from Offshorecheapmeds, I'll call it OFC.
The company has great prices. Shipping was 1 1/2 to 2 weeks. My first order had poor communications, recent orders have been properly handled. All meds come from world class manufacturers, all are sealed. One must have a scrip, if a company lets you order anything without a script run. With my doc's permission I buy 40mg tablets and cut it in half. Doing this my price turns out to be less than half of my insurance co-pay! OFC has proven themselves to me and I will continue to use them (unless they double their prices)
Note: All my overseas meds come in sealed packets. My advice: Only buy something in a sealed packet, if counted out in a bottle, refuse or return them. Oh, my, that includes CVS, Brooks, Walgreens, etc. Yes, USA is a dinosaur when it comes to getting meds. You won't find, hand counted, into unsealed bottles anyplace in the world except USA. Next time you open a CVS bottle like the one shown below tell me how you know that the counter did not sneeze on them while counting them and by the way, usually pharmacists don't count them, pharma techs do.
Note: Medicare drugs is a scam perpetrated upon us by our politicians enabling pharma to price however they want. Pharma was given a guarantee that the govt would never limit prices. It works this way: Overseas shipped to you price = ~$20. Supposed retail price = ~$180/month. On Medicare plan you pay for you pay the wonderful price of only ~$90. But it's still 4x more than what is paid/month overseas. Big Pharma make the Vikings plundering look like childs play.
Make sure any overseas pharmacy is legit and check for best price by checking pharmacycheker. Always pay by VISA, never attempt to buy scheduled meds (Xanax/hydrocodone) for these are always scams. Check with the American brand pharma, they may offer a free month (with script) and huge discounts, check goodrx (com) their coupons sometimes beat ALL others even insurance. Look at my photos: Now which one do you trust?