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1 review
2 helpful votes

February 22, 2022

We made a mistake in transferring our service to Nextiva.
At the end of the second-month contract, I called to ask when our service would be activated and, most importantly, when our old business phone number transferred. After a usual ten minutes on hold, the representative returned, saying that I needed to fill up some papers. After that, it could take another 45 days to have our number transferred and activated.
I canceled our service and demanded a refund for what was now three months charged without the promised service.
Now, seven months later, we realized the contract not only wasn't canceled, but they have been charging us for 7 months, going into the 8th after we canceled it 5 months ago.
Today, I called to speak with a manager looking for an explanation, and most importantly, the total refund of the funds I consider to have been stolen by them.
After one hour and twenty-five minutes explaining the whole story to two representatives and after admitting to be an awful situation, the Customer Retention representative just refused to transfer me to a manager, just refused, " no, I will not transfer you, period!"
Worse yet, using an excuse to find a solution, she put me on hold for another 11 minutes and came back with an offer: If I stayed with them as a customer, she would refund one of the seven months they stole from us, but, only if I continue with the service, yes, the service they never delivered; otherwise, there was nothing she could do… other then, of course, enjoy our free money they collected for seven months!
After informing them that I would speak with our bank and block any future payments, she threatened to send our account to collections for non-payment!
In my opinion, they are UNSCRUPULOUS THIEVES, trained to steal from you!
Protect yourself and your money from their LACK OF MORALS and HONESTY. Find a reputable and decent company. NEXTIVA is not one of them!.

Tip for consumers:

We made a mistake in transferring our service to Nextiva.
At the end of the second-month contract, I called to ask when our service would be activated and, most importantly, when our old business phone number transferred. After a usual ten minutes on hold, the representative returned, saying that I needed to fill up some papers. After that, it could take another 45 days to have our number transferred and activated.
I canceled our service and demanded a refund for what was now three months cha

Products used:

None, it was never delivered

Date of experience: February 22, 2022