With much of follows ups for almost 2 months (day and night) from this Sales guy name Minhaz, i finally joined with initial deposit of $300/- in first 2 days the AR they appointed made some good profits on my account and on the 3rd or4th day their system ran into some error and one trade opened multiple times and finally needed up in loss. This was escalated to the Team and someone by name Khalid called me back and assured me to get the recovery of $432/- in 3-4 days and requested me to open another account as they cannot refund in the same account. Same was done with another deposit of $800/- and we began the trade...started with some profits and saw some lows tooo. Considering Diwali season ahead and expecting some growth in Gold & Silver I deposited another $2600/-...and Suddenly the account Representative who was handling my account disappears for a week without any back up to handle the account. During this Period i tried to call the Sales guy / emailed them / sent wassup msg too... but no one cared to help and i lost all the money...after a week the AR returns to me and says all the positions YOU opened were closed in loss. Now we will make up for this loss and you must deposit another $6.5K as they are expecting good profits from the TATA IPO launching on 24th Nov... in my overall experience they are cheaters. They don't even have any regrets for the loss that is caused due to the absence of their staff and they don't take any responsibility for this mess...Talks that the sales guy gives you is not at all in line with what the AR is following...The sales guy Minhaz first appointed an AR and said he will handle your account well and later the same guy says. I will change the AR for you or he will F.K your account further! Not sure even the names they are mentioning are real or Fake like them!
There's a lot to write about the worst Experience I had with them. But i will sum up just mentioning that Its high time they release that they are cheating people which is not good. Its all about KARMA and they will get it back!