I am writing this message for all the people who reading this and request them to create awareness amongst others.I have been a navy federal member for 2 years now. I traveled to Turkey for the first time this year. I called them to let them know that I will be traveling and will use my credit card to transact cash there and the person I spoke to confirmed I can use it internationally. I am also in the security field and know very well how to take precaution. I took a phone that is cheap and avoided carrying any of my cards except the credit card the bank said was good to usd in Turkey.
I arrived to Turkey and within 2 days they declined my credit card transactions, which is fine because email said I should contact the customer representatives immediately if that happens. First customer representative I spoke too, was Karen, she was supervisor and she gave me misinformation saying my credit card declined because I exceeded 600$ USD when that was not true. I had my transaction history to back that. She also told me that my credit card should be working with 24 hours but to my surprise she blocked my mobile bank access and my case ended up in the fraudulent department for security audit.
Then I spoke to 5 or 6 representative that misinformed me and lied to me like how Karen did. One of them told me that I need to submit a hand written request to verify myself to *******@navyfederal.org then I had to wait for 24 to 48 hours. They rejected my hand written request twice despite me telling them I have a cheap phone that I am carrying for security precautions while traveling. One of their representatives told me that tier 2 will resolve my case within an hour. The next agent told me it would take 1 to 2 business days. Then the next agent saw my notes on the account and hung up. The next agent told me she cannot wait 10 minutes on the call to help me, the next agent told me that I should contact at 9 am to 1730 EST hours, when I contacted during that time, the agent I spoke to kept me on a 42 minutes hold and told me to resubmit my request. I requested I be sent to supervisors but she refused and said I wasn't authenticated when she verified me using my social security and date of birth. I have information I was willing to provide such as my passport number, my social security, my drivers license, my transaction history to verify myself and they rejected all my plead. As you may notice a pattern all these representatives are incompetent and have no idea what they are saying to me. One of their agent told me that "Is their something else I could assist with" when she has not even addressed or listened to me becoming a street walker trying to survive in a foreign country. I spent 24 hours on foot no hotel, no food in Turkey with Navy Federal turning their back on me. I was fortunate enough to cash out some of my cryptos for Liras to survive in a hotel but for the next 9 days in Turkey I am surviving on whatever I can find to eat. I am well off on my finances yet this bank refused to give their customer (me) access to my account and my money. This is a perfect example of how terribly incompetent and robots that work here. When I asked these representatives the same question "What do I do in Turkey with no access to my online banking and my credit card" everyone except one supervisor told me they do not care and the security of the customer is important meaning when I am willing to provide passport, driver license, phone verification, email verification, and even social security they refused to accept all forms of verification and told me to $#*! off. 5 days it has been that I am trying to survive in Turkey. If anyone is a lawyer reading this or know a lawyer, and find my story as a lawsuit please do share my story, so I make sure this bank does not traumatize another customer in a foreign country. You all must have noticed their security mechanisms are full of crap and you may have noticed from my story that these people do not know how to support their customer in need. They do not have a severity pace setup for such situations nor are these agents willing to help you. If you are the owner of your bank account and have the authority then ask yourself a question why does this bank account revoke access to the owner itself and your own God damn money in the name of stupid verification that takes 5 plus days to review over some bull$#*! reasons to reject my pleads. Please pray for me that I reach home safely and do not end up in a bad situation, I have 8 days more to survive in Turkey and three other people with me.
Save yourself trauma
Credit card