5 reviews for Nature Hills Nursery are not recommended
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1 review
0 helpful votes

Buyer beware!
August 7, 2024

DO NOT ORDER FROM THIS COMPANY unless you are willing to accept dead trees. I ordered 6 lilac trees. When I purchased the trees, I looked at their "product guarantee" page https://naturehills.com/pages/product-guarantee and saw the information there about a one year guarantee of product. There is no mention of different warranties, or that the listed verbiage was only for a paid warranty, nothing. I only order from companies that can guarantee the plants aren't damaged or dead. Mind you, this wording says nothing about a paid warranty or anything--just that they will replace the plant. With this in mind, I placed the order. After four months, two of them were not growing any leaves and the little trimmed branches were brittle (they came dormant). Did my own scratch test on top half of tree and saw it dead. Emailed them about how I thought they were dead and they asked me to do scratch test on bottom of tree and to send pics. Did that. Tree was dead all the way down, which to me says it was either dead or near death when they shipped them. All six are planted the exact same way and the other four are doing fine. I get an email response saying they only give a 50% credit for getting replacement. WHAT? I call and tell them what it says online. Get this! They are telling me about a DIFFERENT warranty that is located on the TERMS OF SERVICE page. They said that 'I agreed" to the terms when I purchased the trees and did not purchase the 'additional warranty' that was offered during checkout. I asked why this supposed 'complimentary warranty', as he called it, wasn't on the same page with the other information where it belongs and 'why' there is no language on the first page saying that it only applied to the paid warranty? Usually, terms of service pages are about the webpage, NOT where the guarantees are located. I asked why they would hide this on a separate page, knowing people are going to the obvious page of product guarantee? He said it was our job to read all links before purchasing. So the credit will only cover one trees cost plus I would have to buy the second AND pay for shipping again. They don't do refunds so you are stuck doing a reorder so you don't lose the money they do credit you. This is a ridiculous scam. These trees were expensive. A reputable vendor would not hide information and attempt to obfuscate when asked to replace the trees given how confusing the website is. On the verge of being a scam. BUYER BEWARE! And to others' points on shipping, I had to call and ask where my order was. Order took weeks to get here. Called and they said it can take at least six weeks for orders to be filled. Not good when you are trying to plant within season.

Date of experience: August 7, 2024
New Mexico
1 review
0 helpful votes

The worst & most expensive BEWARE this is a RESELLER!
March 28, 2024

The worst and the the most expensive store to buy plants. Warranty is a gimmick to get you to buy another plant at high prices. The tree took over 3 months to ship & when it arrived it was half dead & ended up dying shortly after planting it. Customer service didn't help at all, not only do they not cover or honor shipping on expensive plants - they raise it!


Hello Sales representative. First of all how unprofessional of you to use customer names assuming you only have one disappointed customer. Yes, you take money upfront, don't ship product for 3-4 month & don't bother to provide any updates when the trees ship, I had to reach out to you because it's been so long after I paid I almost forgot that I had ordered a tree from yall. See, other companies do that, they care about their customers, they care about the health of their trees and they follow up.

Yes, I didn't buy the $9.99 tree insurance because I already paid over $100 on the tiny tree & they offered a complementary one year warranty. The insurance isn't typically needed, if the carrier damages product they will cover the product, and with your company the "insurance" is another gimmick. Plus i don't recall you offering it last year.

Ok here's the recap on their 50% "standard" (whatever that means) guarantee within one year of purchase. First of all, they made me do a scratch test with photos of the dead tree, understandable, which I provided, even though I included pictures with my original email to them. Of course waste of time once again, jumping through hoops to get me to spend more money.

Just for your info - I am a gardener, we've planted many many trees, so I know how to care for trees & plants, NOT a newbie.

When I asked about my options here is what they said (of course I got several "Your email is not deliverable.******** DO NOT REPLY ********" messages until someone finally responded)

"Unfortunately, we aren't able to refund the 50% or match pricing"

"It's not a credit but our standard warranty coverage of up to 50% of the original plant's value towards replacement. You purchased the tree for $109.19, so we would apply half of that value towards a plant of the same price or more. If you choose a lesser priced plant, you'd owe half the current value. For example, on a $60 plant, you'd owe $30 plus shipping."

In other words, I can only get up to $54.99 for a tree of equal or more expensive value or 50% off ONE single plant/tree that's less than the original value. Don't even ask me about shipping because it doesn't make sense. How does a pack of barefoot strawberries cost to ship almost the same as a 4-5 ft tree? They quoted me approx $49.99 for the tree and approx 39.99 for the strawberries.

Oh & Nature hills doesn't have customer service reps, all their reps are sales people, assuming they have more than one. Sales people only care about making profit, no matter how awful the product they are selling is. They only thing nature hills is good at is bombarding you with emails about upcoming sales, on average 6 months emails a month, which are also a gimmick because they pose it like sales, however shipping is outrageous & all the deals have catch 22s!

And lastly I figured it out, nature hills is a RESELLER, they are not an actual nursery that grow trees. They buy trees/plants from other nurseries and resell them, makes total sense now that my tree was shipped too many times & was way too stressed to survive.

I guess I'm used to getting my trees at local nurseries because it's nice to pick one you can physically see, but lindens aren't common in my area. Nature hills wasn't my first choice, Home Depot was, but the tree I ordered from them got lost in route & then it was out of stock (my money was 100% refunded with out any additional insurance or questions), so I had no choice but to get one from nature hells.

By they way, I just got a new healthy little linden tree from online orchards for $29.99 with free shipping - triple the trunk size see pictures attached.

NH please do not contact me, I feel bullied and fooled by you. You have wasted so much of my time, time is the most precious thing we have on this earth!

Tip for consumers:

The worst and the the most expensive store to buy plants. Warranty is a gimmick to get you to buy another plant at high prices. The tree took over 3 months to ship & when it arrived it was half dead & ended up dying shortly after planting it. Customer service didn’t help at all, not only do they not cover or honor shipping on expensive plants - they raise it!

Products used:


Date of experience: March 28, 2024
1 review
0 helpful votes

On time delivery
June 22, 2022

It was alive when it
Arrived but my mother had COVID when it arrived and it
Died before she could plant it.

Date of experience: June 21, 2022
North Carolina
1 review
2 helpful votes

Check BBB Before using Nature Hills Nursery
July 10, 2021

Check BBB BEFORE making a mistake! Nature Hills Nursery has had 151 BBB complaints in the last 3 years, 85 of them just in the last 12 months! Don't make the mistake I made by trusting this company!

https://www.bbb.org/us/ne/omaha/profile/plant-nursery/nature-hills-nursery-inc-0714-*********. Also check for their full rating

Https :// buyevergreenshrubs. Com/online-nursery-review-ratings/nature-hills-nursery-review-rating/? Msclkid=3daaeaca1da*****ab048a23fd0a7b1c&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Competitors&utm_term=nature%20hills%20nursery%20reviews&utm_content=Nature%20Hills

My order number with Nature Hills is ********** I placed it on 6/1/21 I spent $4274. 12 with the promise from * that all the plants would arrive by the end of 3 weeks. While waiting i ordered another $1642. 16 on 6/14/21 which they charged my visa and to now I have no confirmation email that the order was even placed, I have emailed ( but it returns that their email doesn't work) I have called several times and if you hit the option for customer service you get a message that you have to email. The only way to actually speak with someone is to hit the option for a new order. The other sales guy ( they only have the two) keeps promising after I have told him twice what the problems are, that Custumer service will send me an email, it's been a couple weeks and no email. On the original order there were 28 plants which to date only 5 have arrived, ( it's been longer than the three weeks) the only tree out of 24 ordered that arrived came droopy and almost dead it may not live, I did send pictures and an email to Bill the day it arrived two weeks ago and no call no email from him. During this time on June 2/2021 I placed an order with Fast growing trees the total was $2993. 36 for 25 trees which all arrived 4 days later every single one. On June 9 I ordered 14 more trees from Fast growing Trees for $1528. 86 and again they all arrived in 4 dats some were duplicate trees that I ordered from Natures Hill nursery that still have not arrived. I have made two more purchases from Fast Growing trees big orders and all have arrived and I'm good condition.

*Personal information redacted by admin

Date of experience: July 10, 2021
3 reviews
3 helpful votes

"Plant Insurance" is a joke & customer service is poor
June 2, 2021

Last June 25th, I ordered a Navajo Globe Willow tree #3 container online; it was priced at $88.95 plus $8.90 warranty/insurance and S/H at $9.95, and was to be shipped within 10-14 days, weather permitting. On July 25th--a month later--we had no tree, no shipping notification, no communication at all, so I emailed to ask what was happening. Charlotte responded 2 days later, stating a surge in heat in our area (we are high desert in northeastern Nevada) caused a delay. Two months later, on September 24th, again I had to reach out to Nature Hills for an update as I'd had no communication from them. This time, the stated reason for delay was related to wildfires in Oregon. By the time the tree arrived and was planted (the next day), we were so far into our cold season that we were concerned about the tree getting established; we'd already had several freezing nights, which I'd explained to Charlotte in the earlier emails were the norm for our 6,000' elevation. Still, we had the warranty, right? So... our Spring arrived and the little tree was in struggle mode from the beginning. It tried to leaf out, but within days it was clear that it was dying, from the top down. I emailed Nature Hills and included requested photos, and got a response on Saturday, May 29th, that said they had issued a store credit of $88.95. Not long afterwards, I replied that their site showed the same tree at $88.95 with S/H at $8.95, said that we'd like that tree as a replacement and asking how to handle the additional S/H fee. Shortly thereafter, I missed a phone call stated that the replacement tree couldn't be shipped at the $8.95 rate, and I'd need to pay $24.95 to have it shipped; also, I was asked to send an email on what times might be best to call back to get credit card info. Because we were going to be largely unavailable the remainder of the Memorial Day weekend, I didn't know what was going to be a good time to call. My attempts to reconnect by phone were unsuccessful until June 2nd, when I was connected to * in Customer Service. He informed me during that call that the current price on the tree was $96.95 and refused to honor the price that was current on the site when we first arranged the replacement, and took offense when I objected, stated that it was wrong of me to hold him personally responsible for my problems, that I should have been more attentive to their terms and conditions, and that I should have a nice day. This company either doesn't train on customer service or doesn't care about customer service. Bet I can find a company that does both.

*Personal information redacted by admin

Tip for consumers:

According to the company spokesperson, if you fail to thoroughly read through all their terms and conditions, don't be upset when they won't replace a dead plant.

Products used:

#3 container Navajo Globe Willow--dead and company won't replace it despite paying for a warranty

Date of experience: June 2, 2021
5 reviews for Nature Hills Nursery are not recommended