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6 reviews
60 helpful votes

Is it really right-wing, conservative?
June 20, 2023

I'm generally right-wing or middle-ground in my policies stance, depending on what the issue is.

I just can't believe how jewishly or deceptively this site is set up, just like the way a leftwing fake news network usually is set up, so is it conservative in name/title alone, and is actually the same thing?

For example, there is 0 information how to 'make an account', logging in gives some helper-image like you have a physical account number; that's fine with me, I have nothing to hide. But there's absolutely no registration or info how to get to that comment section- so in the same way as any fake news site that the leftwing would fill with fake bots comments, approved insults, and regulate the comments and perceived opinion, there is deceptively 'no real comments section' to use, because you can't even begin to login to it. What is this 'account number', should I print out like phsyical bank number to verify I was a real person first?

The actual media and artwork looks top notch. I saw some articles I can agree with in opinion and with their motive.

However I mainly just saw one article and it's conducted in the same way in my opinion. Again, I do actually agree with most of the articles, but it's not conservative if it's not open forum, with no deception, showing really the leftwing (jewish) type of way is not even required to maintain the rightwing (conservative) way, because it holds up to open scrutiny regardless.


Date of experience: June 19, 2023