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1 review
7 helpful votes

Pulled money from my bank for 20 hours straight
October 9, 2020

I only purchased this bull crap because Geico told me I could save money every month on my car insurance. I was told the 1 year subscription cost 12.01 so I decided of course I want to save money. When I went online the price stated 12.01 so I signed up, after checking my account today Geographic has 13 Pending charges at 13.01 each on my account. That's 169.00 dollars and being that they did this. Each of those charges is costing me 38.50 that's 500.000 dollars IN FEES because I only had my bill money in my account for the month and that's not even on top of the 169.00 they charged me for the subscription WHICH SHOULD HAVE BEEN 13.01 A YEAR that's almost 700.00 that I have to try to pay my bank back I'm pissed! I only had enough money in my account to pay my bills now everything is gonna bounce and I have to pay all those fees back. When I called geographic I was told they only see one charge it's nothing they can do, I don't care what you see I'm looking at my back account and You or someone working for this place continued to pull money from my account for almost 20 hours straight! Every hour they pulled money FROM MY ACCOUNT thank god I looked before banks closed so I could drag myself to the bank and I don't even feel good today and put a hold on my account so they can't keep pulling money otherwise who knows what would have happened. I called Geico and I'm waiting on a supervisor to call me back to make them aware of this type of fraudulent activities geographic is practicing. Instead of saving money geographic has put me in a financial disaster. I recently loss my 15 year job due to COVID-19 like soo many others so I was excited that I would save a little money but instead of saving they have cost me hundreds of dollars in fees. THANK YOU! They charged my account OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER! That's 13 OVERS THE EXACT AMOUNT OF TIMES THEY CHARGED MY CARD AND THEY WONT DO ANYTHING TO HELP ME. This is my second review I've posted today and I'm gonna continue to post on every site I can to make innocent people aware of this. I'll also be contacting the BBB to show them exactly what geographic has done to me, I'm single I don't get any help from anyone if I had the money in the bank I probably wouldn't care that much BUT I don't, I'm flat broke and the money they took from me was for my car note and rent so now my next 2 unemployment checks are gonna go to bank fees thanks to these SCAMMERS! PLEASE DONT BUY FROM THIS COMPANY BUT IF YOU DO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE EXTRA MONEY in the bank so you won't be in the same situation as me. GOD BLESS US ALL. You would think being that the world is in a pandemic companies wouldn't do sh** like this but they are so just beware. Thank you National Geo. SCAMMERS that's a dam shame they would do something like this. When I talk to Geico I'm gonna suggest they don't do business with this company. There are other companies such as People Magazine Us Weekly etc. that they can do this exact same thing with ( save people money) that WONT DO THIS TO THERE CUSTOMERS BEWARE PEOPLE!

Tip for consumers:

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC OR SOMEONE WORKING FOR THE COMPANY REPEATEDLY WITHDREW MONEY OUT OF MY ACCOUNT FOR ALMOST 20 hours straight. They continued to pull and pull and pull now all of my bills are gonna bounce because I had just enough for my bills and these idiots won’t do sh** to fix the situation I had to go dispute this with my bank and get new account numbers that I’ve had for years and years and use only to pay my bills.. you really screwed me over. Scammers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Products used:

I couldn’t add ALL THE OTHER 13.01 pending charges..there’s a lot more besides the ones you see here....National Geographic yearly subscription for 12.01 BUT THEY CHARGED ME 169.00 and repeatedly withdrew 13.01 13 times out of my account. I have 13 pending charges for 13.01 from this place which should have been 12.01 for the year. Now i have to pay 38.50 for EACH of these pending charges that’s 500.00 in overdraft fees You have caused me a financial disaster.. I’m unemployed and only signed up to save money with Geico. I don’t even read this shi* DONT BUY FROM THIS PLACE THEY ARE SCAMMERS!!

Date of experience: October 9, 2020