I want to write a review for the shop Mysteriousplants.com.
The customer support is very friendly and helpful with all questions and concerns about the shop and the products themselves, the customer support also answers very quickly, you usually have an answer the next day, I think the customer support of Mysteriousplants is really excellent.
The shop also offers many payment options, with bank transfer the money is processed and confirmed 1 day after the transfer and the order is sent the following day, I think Mysteriousplant is really very fast, and you are always informed by email about the current situation Order status notified.
The shipping time is also very fast, it was 3 days in total and the order arrived reliably.
The products ordered and received were Heaven Next incense, I Like incense, BlaBla incense, Doves Original pills and Ocean Burst Extreme bath salts.
The incense mixture Heaven Next is very relaxing and sedating, and the spectrum of effects gives a fairly strong euphoria, I would rate Heaven Next as strong.
The incense mixture I Like is also very relaxing, only here the spectrum of effects is just as activating and stimulating, I would also rate I Like as strong.
The incense blend BlaBla is also of a strong nature, the spectrum of action here is more designed for a strong euphoric sedation with a really deep relaxation, I would also rate the incense blend BlaBla as strong.
The Doves Original pills are very strongly euphoric and also slightly stimulating, the spectrum of action here is designed to be very serotogenic, I like the Doves Original and I would rate the Dove Original pills as strong.
Finally I come to the Ocean Burst Extreme bath salt, the spectrum of action here is very motivating as well as euphoric and very stimulating, I like the Ocean Burst Extreme bath salt as well and I would rate the Ocean Burst Extreme as strong.
In conclusion, I can only recommend Mysteriousplants.com, fast and friendly customer support as well as a fairly fast and reliable delivery, all products are of very good quality, I had nothing to complain about and I am very satisfied with the shop.
Heaven Next, I Like, BlaBla, Doves Original, Ocean Burst Extreme.