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1 review
7 helpful votes

They are holding our money ransom!
October 26, 2018

They didn't like a charge that we did for a guest who stayed at one of the apartments that is in our management group.
Therefore, they have blocked all of our money and the whole function of our merchant account, asking us to provide a variety of documents to prove the following things:
- they guest agrees to the charges (proved with signed credit card receipts)
- the services the guest has paid for (proved with reservation confirmation and signed invoice)
- the guest has stayed at the property (proved by a personal declaration from the guest attached with a phone number for myPOS to call if they still consider things to be unclear)

Yet, still they say that they need further proof. Proof that breaches trust and privacy of guest to a whole new level, similar to what secret services are doing.

Here is their last reply:
"myPOS (Support)

Oct 26,20:37 EEST

Dear Mr. Szekely,

Thank you for the provided document.

Please be kindly advised that we are unable to verify that this declaration has been issued and signed by the cardholder Mr. *********. Please provide us with a proof justifying that the details and signature of the cardholder who stayed in the property and authorised the payments are the same as of the person who issued and signed this declaration.

Please be also kindly reminded to provide us with the correspondence with your client (********) and a direct link to the platform where you advertise the property in Singapore and in which Mr. ******** managed to make the booking reservation (we were previously provided with a screenshot of the booking reservation made in this platform).

Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Have a nice weekend.

Kind Regards,
MyPOS Team
Customer Support"

They never listen to what I tell them. They still want a link to a direct platform when the guest booked via a travel agent (which has a client database), therefore it's impossible to provide that.
And the guest refused for his conversations to be shared, it's a high privacy breach that we are not going to allow.

This situation has been going on since September 25th. Now it's October 26th. The blocked account had the following effects on our business:
- we weren't able to pay our invoices, we had to borrow money to pay them at a later date, after they were due
- they keep all our money ransom, with renewing the blocking from 30 days till 60 days now and they might increase that further
- we incurred a loss around 2000 EUR because of reservations we couldn't charge and we are sitting with another 1200 EUR of virtual cards that cannot be charged as we have no other way to charge them, than their Merchant Services.

They REFUSE to talk on the phone to sort out this issue, citing that the department dealing with these things does NOT communicate via the phone.
They never give clear indication to what they want to writing e-mails back and forth has gotten us into a vicious circle that is never ending, with us sending documents and they asking for more or finding different issues with everything. One can find an issue with why the Earth is round, so they are abusing this situation.

They keep harassing us like this and they have created a very dire situation for us, for a situation that is really non-existent. The guest didn't file a charge-back for them to do all this to us, it's just their unfounded fears.

The worst is the refusal to communicate directly and the lack of interest to solve this case.

We might need to file a lawsuit against myPOS, as we see no other way to recover our money from them.
Truly truly horrible company with the worst Customer Service ever! Steer clear of them and if you're using their services, better cash out and go somewhere else, to a bank that actually respects their clients.

Date of experience: October 26, 2018