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North Carolina
1 review
2 helpful votes

We should together complaint against Myntra
July 14, 2019

I have placed an order quite a few times on myntra, from the beginning only I felt the quality of ethnic product is faded and poor but I did not complain until I started experiencing the price difference while placing an order and at the payment screen it's more than actual, I did not bother for the first time as it was minor difference of around 200rs but then it happened again with my next order that's when I called to complain about my over all experiences. I strongly felt that they are used to such complaints like material quality, price differences, even discount offers doesn't apply fully and when we call them they say it's all machine generated but actually I'm 100% sure it's all manual. They asked me if I have a screen shot for the price difference of my order, now how do I know this kind of cheap & fraud activities exist on MYNTRA. I have a myntra credit of around 3000rs and placed an order of two Mojaries, after I placed an order the prices again vary from actual so I immediately cancelled the order and took screenshots. Later I placed an order again as I have to use my myntra credit, I placed an order of Mojari & one long kurti for my cousin in Mumbai. Usually they take around 3 days to ship and it comes before the given time but since I have used my credit on this order, it's been almost a week now it hasn't been shipped and purposely I placed one more order after few days to see how long that order is taking and I was right, the order that placed after it got delivered in just two days. I really have some good proofs and screenshots to make a police complaint. I will put this on social media everywhere as well

Date of experience: July 14, 2019