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1 review
9 helpful votes

My nightmare for sure
May 26, 2021

Before i start telling this i want clear that. What i am gonna say is 100% truth, if i lie about this for any single word, I would be dead. I paid my first order in this site in 9th may, i gave them 10days for my assessment, they bid the price of 550 usd, include 4% transaction fee, which is around 570usd, I was okay with it actually as the workload is big, but after 10 days in the night of 19th may., they said they want one day extension, and i began to worry about it, because they claim they never late, but other 24 hour still given to them, after one day in 20th, they handed the report to me, WHICH IS THE START OF MY NIGHTMARE, that was totally useless $#*!, i am pretty sure the writer know nothing about the topic but just grab and copy some $#*!y shallow things from google and run them in R (computer language)and paste the output to the report, I AM SURE THEY DONE IT OVERNIGHT, such a joke that this is very important to me and they did it over one night, I am so confidential that as the site name(homeworkhelp), THE WORK THEY DID WILL DEFINITELY HELP ME GOT ZERO, not only failed but zero, because there is no any single point they did matched the question, after they sent that $#*! i started to do it myself as there are only three days left, and i almost never sleep during the 21th to 24th, they emailed me about they are willing to revise it, BUT IT IS RIDICULOUSLY TO SAY REVISE WHEN THERE IS NO ANY SINGLE CORRECT ANSWERS IN THE REPORT, IT IS NOT HARD TO GUESS I WILL RECEIVE OTHER $#*! ATFER THEIR " REVISE", i am sure this is a scam site(they did sent me something otherwise it would be too obvious), 100% positive comment such a joke, oh btw, they are english is broken, they may not understand english but google translate it, i am not english native speaker but their worse than me for sure, they may hire some college students to do my master project. If anyone is here i would suggest you to do your coursework yourself, as most of this kind of sites concern money only, I would never use this kind of thing afterward, just do your coursework yourself, and go to your classmate or teacher for help. This is really a lesson for me and if you see this then you are lucky to avoid the scam, and i am now contacting my bank to get my money back, wish it works

Date of experience: May 26, 2021