1 review for My Face Bobble Heads is not recommended
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0 reviews
11 helpful votes

This company is a joke
January 1, 2022

This company is an absolute joke. I hope this review will save someone from making the same mistake I made and wasting your money. I ordered my product with vip service and faster shipping. I didn't get any update for two weeks and my status never changed online. I emailed them multiple times and only received automated response. I started looking up reviews and saw how terrible this is. I immediately emailed telling them to cancel my order and refund my money. Only then did I receive and real response, but they told me it already shipped. Convenient. I already found another company, Amazing Bobbleheads, and placed another order. While waiting for the other to be delivered I received an email preview from amazing bobbleheads to approve. They emailed me throughout the process to approve each step. Their customer service was second to none. I knew I was going to get a quality product. I received the one from myfacebobbleheads in the mail and it was terrible. It's embarrassingly bad. There's no way I could give that to my manager as a gift. The detail was horrible and it looked like a child made it. They clearly took a generic bobble head and tried to make subtle changes. I received the one from amazing bobbleheads shortly after and it looks amazing. The process from order to in hand was two weeks with AB and a month with MFB. The detail and craftsmanship they put into this one is unreal. They did a fantastic job and it looks just like my manager. I have been emailing MFB trying to get a refund but, once again, I'm getting automated responses. One them basically said that they can only do so much off of a picture. I sent the same pics to both companies. I told them that if they just refund my money I wouldn't post negative reviews. I guess they don't care about their customers. I took several pictures to show the difference in the two. Please do not order from Myfacebobbleheads unless you want poor customer service and a poor quality item. I attached several pictures of the two. You make the decision on what you think. My face bobbleheads gave him brown hair and made two swipes of grey paint lol. The labels in the cup and on the bottoms are label maker labels. I was shocked to see the difference. I will also add one of the preview pics that I got from amazing bobbleheads so you see the picture that both companies used.

Tip for consumers:

Do not use myfacebobbleheads if you want quality work for your money.

Products used:


Date of experience: January 1, 2022
1 review for My Face Bobble Heads is not recommended