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1 review
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Molekule actually works!
August 12, 2018

Molekule, simply one of the most useful health related devices I have experienced so far in the past couple of years. I was quite skeptical when I heard about the technology that was claimed to be inside of the Molecule device, and also had some doubts as to if this product would live up to it's price tag. After testing this device for the past few weeks I have had the opportunity to experience the benefits that Molecule claims to provide I have to say that I am most certainly impressed with this piece of tech.

The first thing that you will notice when you unbox your Molekule is the design of the device. It's so modern looking and the build quality is stunning. Molekule definitely didn't cut any corners with build materials and made sure that you are getting a premium device when you invest into their air purifier. The internals and top of the device are made out of plastic but actually some of the internals are made of medical grade plastic which really shows that the makers of this machine really were focused on quality. The handle on the top is a very nice and elegant touch and it also functions well when you want to move the Molekule around your home or office.

The technology in this device is next level. We have two filters in here, one is a pre-filter which removes particles from the air like dust, pet dander, and bigger allergens. The second filter is the nano filter and this is what makes this device so much more valuable than a Dyson or other purifiers on the market. The nano filter breaks down the pollutants in the air and takes them back to their molecular components. This basically means that these allergens or particles are completely removed from the air and will not re-circulate or be trapped within a filter that you will either sit next to or be around you throughout the day.

So what's my experience or opinion on this device? Well I do have a Dyson purifier and it worked well but the moment I started using Molekule I could feel the difference within the room here. I have a pet so I could tell a difference in air quality right away. Also, in terms of build quality and functionality I feel that the Molekule has a leg up as it looks more modern and fits well with the house and it also has functionality that surpasses a Dyson.

So all in all I believe it's a great device and if you have allergies, asthma, or just want to have clean air within your home, I'd seriously recommend Molekule.

Date of experience: August 12, 2018