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1 review
12 helpful votes

Don't Do It
September 3, 2016

Unfortunately this is a lethal mix of an addictive game combined with dishonest manipulation and extortion.

There are so many ways to lose, most of which are so obviously staged.

Like anything in life if you lose fairly then so be it but if the outcome is rigged then the unfairness is all consuming.

And from my experience the following are just a selection of the ways the game is rigged AGAINST YOU:-

- Regular in-off calamities (put spin on the ball and/or hit it slightly harder than normal then there is only one outcome down the plug-hole)
- Being snookered at the most crucial stages (and don't worry if there is only the black on the table because remarkably the cue ball has a tendency, that defies statistical probability, of nestling in the jaws of a pocket denying a direct path to the object ball)
- And talking about snookers just try to get out of one when the cue ball follows no logical angle once it bounces of the cushion... rest assure 9 out of 10 time you will miss irrespective of where you aim (the 1/10 is just there to pretend it can be done).
- Shot times appear generous to some opponents (computers perhaps?). I don't mean the overall time of shot which will vary according to cue but the last few micro seconds on the timer. There is no latitude for you but your opponent appears to still have time even several seconds after the timer has elapsed.
- The ability for opponents to use a whole raft of cheats to do just that CHEAT you out of money. Cheats are fine for games where you play on your own but when you are playing another person and you have paid for coins? How is that acceptable? It is todays equivalent of day light robbery.
- And then there is the freezing of the game which inevitably is followed by you losing your turn. Whose fault is that? And is it not interesting that, although you are allegedly playing real time on occasions the game goes back one or two shots after freezing. Does that mean that the shot played several seconds early simply never happened? Is the game server travelling faster than light or is it housed in an inefficient time machine?

Oh and by the way has anyone in the history of man ever won a jackpot on the money wheel? A little like Candy Crush where the odds of a jackpot on their version of the wheel is lower than winning the Euro lottery.

If this was just a computer game, as computer games used to be, then fine who cares but when money is exchanged (which is the sordid trend of today) then you expect to receive appropriate goods, in working order and as sold to you. Miniclip might defend itself against consumer law by using luck as a defense in regards to the way the balls act but dropped connections, lost money with no refunds, ignoring consumer correspondence, avoiding on-line coin awards? How do they get away with it?


Tip for consumers:

Don't do it

Date of experience: September 3, 2016