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5 reviews
10 helpful votes

Horrible customer service systems
November 26, 2024


Why does your company seem to care so little about its customers?

To try get my access to MS Teams Essentials I restored so far, I have had the following business "support" experience:

After I finally filed a case, I was told it would be 3-5 business days to correct the issue. This is after several hours of trying to get through the maze of self -help information and then on hold and transfers for 8 hrs 46 minutes. I have been trying to get a resolution.
No ability to do screen sharing.
No courtesy "check-in" from agents even on holds up to 1 hr 20 minutes and longer.
No information offered about expected hold times.
Departments extremely siloed in the information they have. Each department seems to have their own obscure information needs to track down a simple purchase and solve a simple access issue.
5 dropped transfers in a row to a different department.
Multiple hangups from MS immediately after connecting after very long hold times.
No call backs when calls were dropped by MS.
Call line filled with static.
No ability to reach out directly to the department I am supposed to be working with. "You just have to wait for them to reach out".
Multiple cases of "On hold" and MS phone automatically disconnected after 93 minutes and longer on occasions.
Had to reenter information I just entered.
Failure to record notes when requested. Agents could not pull up notes from previous conversations.
Too many transfers across departments and then you go to the back of long, long hold times again.
I was given a "hotline" to a supposed direct number. Very long hold times, multiple transfers, dropped calls on this so-called "hotline".
Why does it take two transfers to pull up information about progress on my case? Are there no databases? So far, 38 minutes just to ask about status of the case, not even get a result. This is on "business support" after I have filed a case, on the supposed "hotline". Just got hung up on again. No call back. 1 hr 16:27 and on hold and disconnected again when trying to get transferred. No call back as promised. Another 45 minutes to connect and the agent can give me noi information about my case, nor any way to call the group working on the issue.
Will not give a direct number to the department I am dealing with even though I have a case number. This forces me to go back to the start again and ties their people up in transfers yet again.
How can hold times be "longer than normal" when that is the response each time, on multiple dates, different times of day and different issues?
Why does MS have such an appalling rating on review sites over multiple years? Why do the issues remain unfixed? Note also the common issues, themes, and the unusually strong language used by reviewers indicating the incredibly high rate of frustration anger and feeling incredibly disrespected as a customer.
Please do not raise my expectations any more with false promises that (paraphrasing) we will be able to help you now, or insincere apologies for "inconvenience" after 7 hours of my time and all the above incidents. These patterns have occurred on multiple occasions when I have tried to get support on different issues.
Tried to send this information to Microsoft Feedback Hub but I get an error message stating the address is invalid. Their other suggestion is to call the main support line which is one of the biggest problems. Tried to send the information via Support but got more errors and was I could not us e that location.
Maybe you have backlog issues but this doesn't explain all the other issues and lack of professional courtesies.
I encountered a couple of people who seemed like they cared and wanted to help but MS just does not support them with the tools, systems or cross training. My guess is they will not last long in the current culture.

I contacted Apple on the same day as I am writing this. I had a choice of phone call or chat within two minutes. No transfers. The customer service agent solved 3 issues in 12 minutes. Guess which company gets my business in the future and who I steer my clients towards?

Products used:

MS Office 365

Date of experience: November 26, 2024