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1 review
3 helpful votes

Tremendous, stupendous, marvelous, exemplary, unequaled,...
August 5, 2014

Tremendous, stupendous, marvelous, exemplary, unequaled, well, pretty good, not bad, could have been better, not very good at all actually, don't like to say you stink, but phew where's the gas masks, booo Booo Boooo. Just lovely, actually, just lovely; my most favorite health site actually, motivation, dependable, honest, I believe.
Had just listened to a song reviewed, tongue in cheek," a la Muppets " signature script and in that mood began the review with that humorous shtick. On a serious vein I believe in the intent of Mercola.com to be positive, honest. It is not however, for me, the final word on all subjects related to best natural health care. I believe unequivocally that the SCIENCE of EPIGENETICS, of which I am a fledgling student, not an expert, must be a basic tenet whenever anyone sets out to inform citizens on health recommendations. Epigenetics maintains that we are as individual as our finger prints, and our diet and health approaches must be designed accordingly. It teaches how to individually take control of our health. That is the THIRD SIN, Any discipline that takes attaining and maintaining optimum health out of the case room. That is the reason, I believe, that the credible medical practise of HOMEOPATHY is the focus of such spurious attack.
ALL discilplines, I believe, must work in concert if service to citizens is to be the pure intent purposet.
I will not divulge the identity of the person/the company, here but I am aware of a business that never got off the ground because the originator, at the final hour, found that the believed information on which the product was based was WRONG. Now two choices were available, proceed and sell something, and it would have sold, that while he knew now it was ineffective, it would do no health harm, or abort. He did the honorable thing, he aborted. Lost all of his invested research and start up money. PERSONAL money. I respect that person/company. How many times do we hear or read about a questionable or even deleterious product instead of being immediately pulled from sales being allowed to be sold until the existing stock is depleted? TOO OFTEN! WHY? To allow the investor(s) to reclaim their investment and forward profits. Is that a valid reason? NOT to me.
My bent is to always provide anyone seeking information with all of the information I can glean on a subject. The brain of the other is as good or better than mine in deciding the veracity of the info. I never reference anything I do not believe. I have found many natural care practitioners, many scientists, are favoured or fly under the radar, until they commit one or both of the following sins: have patients consistently regain health and or fly in the face of corporate and political interests. Both threaten the financial bottom lne of folks with a vested interest, market control, financial superiority. I really don't care if someone earns a zillion bucks if the work is credible and offered for the right reasons, namely the benefit of the patient, client, customer, citizen. I see too much of exactly the opposite; the corporate and political, small and big "p", interests attempting to manipulate the population, control the dialogue, for only interests of personal gain. I can completely respect someone who holds a position or opinion that I believe is contrary to facts if it is clearly based on honest belief basedf on as many facts as they yet have discovered. I have none for the carpetbaggers who set out to deceive.
I have found an army of paid for hacks who pounce on any person, any idea, any fact offends their masters, the writer of the cheque for the hired guns. Example the Maine Scientist who blew the whistle on farmed fish. The Canadian Oncology Scientist who exposed the dangers of estrogens in plastics used in the food industry. Dr. Hulda Clark, whose irrefutable research showed that processed foods, beverages, and supplements,( only one supplement manufacturing company was absolved,), were contaminated with dangerous and even carcinogenic chemicals. She acknowledged that it was likely not intentional, just a processing oversight. That was not enough to render her safe from attack. But even in death the quacks pick her bones. Decry her as a fraud. Or a final example, American, Canadian, and British, Board " Cetified Neurologists who exposed COMPACT Flourescent Lighting as, their words, " DIRTY ENERGY." " dangerous to neurological health,", and called for these units to be pulled from sale. Do you understand the investment loss if they were not silenced." And their work dsiappeared from public view.
Well folks the GREMINS who fight loquacity just hit my computer again and erased about half of this writing.
Don't have the energy to reconstruct, neither do I work from a prepared script, so,
In the words of a man braver than I, "Good night and good luck."

Date of experience: August 3, 2014