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1 review
2 helpful votes

Charged me 30% restock fee on unused returned piece of junk
March 27, 2020

UPDATE: As you all can see, and just as predicted, MC Powersucks residential troll came in and wrote the 3 page letter rebuttal... again blaming everything on the customer that they screwed over... just like every other review thats been left by multipel people for this crappy company
Would it not have been easiert to avoid all of this by doing the right thing? Guess not.
Amazon clearly thought they were in the wrong as well, and after speaking with them, they refunded me the balance of my payment that MC Powersucks attempted to steal. SHAME ON THIS COMPANY for acting this way. Simple unbelieveable that after so many NEGATIVE reviews and upset customers, that they still dont get it!

(Original post) MADE THE BIG MISTAKE OF BUYING FROM THEM BEFORE CHECKING REVIEWS. After receiving the chinese made knock off product (thought I was buying the real deal. It wasnt) I decided it clearly was not going to work. I decided to pack it back up in its original packaging and send it back. Thier 'stated' restock fee is 20%. (whatever. Co wouldnt need one, if their products were of any quality)
Instead they hit me with a 30% restock fee ($8. On $24 purchase)
Wow! How unethical can you get?... if they spent even half the time correcting mistakes, doing the right thing to begin with and making sure paying customers are taken care of when there is an issue - instead of writting out long winded, incoherant responses, blaming the custoemrs for everything - to the dozens of compalints they are racking up. Perhaps thier company wouldnt be rated 1 star here and... well, just about everywhere!
VERY bad biz from start to finish.

Date of experience: March 27, 2020