Bad, bad business ethics, Shame on you.
Six months ago, I signed up for 6 months for $119.94. I followed all the rules and regulations requested for qualifying for the additional 6-month guarantee when my first 6 months ran out.
They DID NOT send me an email (like they said in a phone conversation I had with them on 9/13/17) with a questionnaire I had to fill out to fulfill the 6-month guarantee. What they did do, however, was charge my credit card for ANOTHER $119.94 for an additional 6 months WITHOUT letting me know and without my consent.
I filed a dispute with my credit card company AND I contacted chat line and explained everything, where I was reassured that I would certainly receive my 6-month extension AND also be credited the $119.94 back to my credit card. Here is the chat transcript:
Chat By Chat (Corina D.) (09/11/2017 01:38 PM)
[01:31:53 PM]Hi, my name is Corina D. Please give me a moment to review your account and I'll be right with you.
[01:32:09 PM]******* Okay.
[01:34:44 PM]Corina D.: Im sorry about the problem you had with your account today. Rest assured all has been taken care of.
[01:35:09 PM]******* Okay, thank you, but I still need you to hold to your promise of the 6-month guarantee.
[01:35:32 PM]Corina D.: Sure.
[01:35:40 PM]Corina D.: It's already credited.
[01:35:46 PM]******* So, I should be issued another 6 months for free according to your contract with me when I signed up. If I held up my end of the deal, which I did, I was promised another 6 months no charge.
[01:36:02 PM]Corina D.: Your current subscription is paid through 03/08/2018.
[01:36:14 PM]******* Okay, thank you. Would you please send me an email confirming all of this? ******* Thank you.
The next day I went to sign into my account and found I was blocked in red saying that my account has been blocked and that I should check my email inbox for notification from you for more information. There was no such email in my inbox.
I called today to talk to someone at and they said because I filed a dispute with my credit card company that I was disqualified from my account and that if I wanted to continue, I would have to start all over again with a new account, new profile, new pictures and pay another $119.94 and THEN THE REPRESENTATIVE HUNG UP ON ME!
Wow. This is one dating site that I will never have anything to do with again, nor with I ever recommend it any any of my friends or clients.
Shame, shame, shame on you
Maybe it's a blessing in disguise that I was shown your true colors.