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1 review
3 helpful votes

Top Economical Therapy Platform
September 9, 2020

Being a Psychologist, I would like to add few important points in choosing the right platform for online counselling.

During this lockdown and Covid-19, I have started taking online therapy and sessions myself. Being in USA, there are certain rules we must follow.

I would like to say that I have recommended Manastha to few of my clients as they are from Indian background and someone with same culture makes more sense. They had issues regarding marriage and some personal goals. I thought of finding right place for them to take counselling from Indian psychologists. They are doing good with the present psychologists.

Now few important things to remember if you are selecting the online platform.

1. There will be few negative reviews for everyone because of their personal experience. Don't generalise that emotion to everything and everyone. Even I am not able to satisfy 100% of my clients, few of them are expecting and there is a communication gap. So, based on few negative reviews, don't generalise your opinion. Dig deep and be open to your perspective.

2. It is important to have someone who knows bit about your culture. Socio-culture psychology plays a major role in processing the client and the case more deeply.

3. Economical Sessions yet quality ones too. Don't go for free counselling and all those marketing gimmick. Always seek quality sessions as mental health is a sensitive domain.

4. Google about an Organization. It should be registered as a company. Don't just choose anything just because it has a website. It questions on the credibility.

5. It is good that you have the option to choose from the therapist list but here is the personal experience, we don't choose the best ones, we choose the ones we think is the best without any proper understanding. Manastha does that work for you without you doing any mistake and getting unsatisfactory counselling. This is the thing I liked about it here. They are confident about their assigning process and they will do the best for you to match the right therapist. You can choose too but the choice will have your own biases and in the end it may not be the right option for you.

6. Go for the Video Calls. It is easy to connect with the other person on Video calls. It is the closest option to face-to-face sessoins. If you are ok with normal calls, that is okay too. Avoid taking sessions on Chat. It can increase communication gap and it is quite slow too.

All the best. I would recommend Manastha and you can give it a try too.

Date of experience: September 8, 2020