Loveinchat is part of a network doing industrial scam to consumers and maintaining at the same time antiscam protection. Dont waste your money.
The woman here are all beautifull and you are a superstar when logging inn here. Glamour and romance covers you in a extacy blancket. You are casanova, and creditts flys like confetti but no wedding. They want talk, not meet, first i thought it was a cultural thing but in my country on our local datesites they do as we do, go on dates. So why doesent these girls do it? Stats showed, bt i believe they are les now, 1 date per year for these woman. The fact is they are faking, and does not have any interest in you other than cashflow. Keep the minutes rolling and letters flying. The cost you pay for those credits is split 3 ways. 1. Agency 2. Loveinchat 3. The Woman-- i followed these woman ( they are on multipl sites) while being moved around from one site to another. They call it the affiliates - bull$#*!. Its agents promising the woman gold and silver, and even gives them fines if they break the rules. ( go read f.example terms and ag. Datesite Jasmin there you will see they write they fine the girls so their sites stay nice and behaved, i wrote them a mail asking how you can fine a member unless you pay salary - no reply) You will find my reviuws on these sites as i follow them around and have time. I did background checks on the woman. Its unbelievable, you want see it? Copy images from profiles and especially private attached to letters and do google, bing, yandex and thineye image searches. All or most sites they are on show up, and their personal info (sometimes name) is different on each site.
This is my reviuew of GoDateNow - same woman and setup:
The answer you need is all in here
The answer you need is all in here, why are all the woman beautiful? Why do you keep catching them in lies? Who do they keep promising to meet but never do? Why do all the girls have 2 cellphones and in contact info the phone nr 2 is given to you? I made alot off trouble for them, when i finally wrote i was leaving with 700 screenshots from emails, letters and profiles they started sending me offers for credits over 50% discounts. 2 days after i left telling them i would share this in public and with their online service partners like money payment the 8 woman i communicated was removed and gone from the site, not only this site but other sites the were on to. I was going to write in detail what is going on there, but my friends at Ukrainian-passport allready had a accurate article of how this buisness work. So i share theirs and advice all who read it to look at their whole website. They are there to help you, they are proffesional and effective.
Ukrainian-passport com/blog/how-ukrainian-women-make-money-with-american-men/
Tip for consumers:
Allways read the terms of agreement. Stupidity comes in all forms, like date site Jasmin who promising a safe and scam free site. Telling they fine the ladies who do not behave, well i wrote them asking how to fine a woman unless you pay her salary. I did never get any reply
* Ma-Dame marriage agency- scam.
Visit these guys, they know and can help.
Ukrain-passport dotcom - you wont regret it.
You see i did not even need change much out from reviuws i used allready - becouse its the same everywhere. Same woman but some sites are more aggressive and let the woman push harder or the dont even write themself but another man/woman write for her to you. Video chats allways look for signs its video in loop. If you sober and look you find out - godatenow and loveinchat is all video in loop.
Is loveinchat same as all others?
Offcourse it is another scam. I give 2 examples- 1. All the woman there get paid to talk with you, not ring any bels?. They are online 18 hours stretch everyday)) they get payd ( Brides for love will try deny this as other sites tried with me, they pay them / or to be fair site pays the marriage agency they get the woman from. The more traffic the woman make give bigger commission to the marriage agency and the girl/woman from - to woman. Its called affiliates earnings/commission and is based on 3 types systems cpa - cost per action, Cpl and cpi etc. that is short for other payment methods like volume and etc. it works in the way that the first man to register leaves a cookie at the girls personal site and affilliated tool that enables her to be on multipal sites in multipal chats simultanuasly. The cooikie belong to her so even he use money on other the commision comes back to her. This is poor woman from war country with no means to support themself and loved ones. The lie and flirt with you for that money. So ask yourself - does she really like you or are you being played so she gets her commission?
Second - have you all notised that in every review site for online dating all the possitive reviuws all goes the same? Wonderful - wow its not scam. We will meet soooooooooooooooooooooooon))) ask them how that went, how often do you see a guy write a review and allready married? 2 or 3 in all sites. The woman from the matchmaker allianse has 2 cellphones, when you buy contact info you get the number to for her "work phone" not the personal one. From other affillliated groups you only get email. After a while correspondance dies out. You may think i am full of bull $#*! - but follow my reviews and see what the actual site i write about comment back to me)) 0 to none becouse they know if they denie it i will come back and embarrese them.
Do not waste your time on affiliated sites, 2000 letters in 1-2 weeks, wtf! Red flag - letters is flow to get you to read - answer them for from 2-80 euros a psc. Find sites that not only register men but females to. It will be a mix with affiliated woman and genuine woman on that site but dont hurry, dont open everylettwer saying ahh look my bikini is to tight in subject/topic line of lettter. Real woman write real lettwers. Dont buy chocolate box ( gaz station price 24 euros) in site 234 euros. Yes woman like flowers but if she want husband they dont chase away everyman who does not send 6 roses for 150 dollars.
Read this and dont lissen me- use your own brain. This is only fragments - imagine you understand all- what is your odds now to find love on these sites? In all its temperarerly coz this system will break - to expensive and less men join increasingly knowing its just a scam.
Standard Affiliate Program Options
When visitors arrive at your site, a cookie is placed on their computers identifying them as "belonging" to you (all affiliate systems use cookie-based identification).
If the visitor comes to our site and registers or buys from us, that information is recorded along with your affiliate ID - thus we know when one of "your" visitors buys from us, and we can calculate your commission according to the appropriate payment program you have chosen.
If a visitor doesn't buy from us the same day he was on your site, you may still earn a commission if the visitor comes back to us later. The cookie NEVER EXPRIRES (most major affiliate programs have a tracking/cookie expiration of between 14 to 90 days), so you could still make money days, months or even years later. (As long as the cookie is present, we can identify the visitor; however, if the visitor goes to another of our affiliates during that time, your cookie will be replaced by that other affiliate's cookie. Thus the visitor "belongs" to the last affiliate site visited.)
Once the visitor actually REGISTERS (for free) with our website, that visitor is YOURS for LIFE and that will never change. Once registered the client is locked into you forever and you have the potential to earn money from this client even years later! No other major dating affiliate program offers the LIFETIME PAYOUTS structure that A Foreign Affair has offered for 20 years!
There are a lot of reasons why A Foreign Affair is the LONGEST RUNNING major dating affiliate program offered anywhere today! And you are about to become a part of that success!
We now offer two additional payment options in addition to our long running "Pay Per Sale LIFETME" (PPS) option. Below we outline how each of them works. We highly recommend the PPS LIFETIME option to potential affiliates since this gives you the best affiliate potential for higher, longer term earnings. Once a client is locked into (registered) to you, you will often make commissions on a single client for years.
However, for whatever reasons, we understand that some affiliates may prefer the other options that we now offer (below). Upon sign-up, you MUST choose only ONE payment option at this time. If you wish to experiment with multiple options you will need to create multiple accounts with different emails (this may change in the future).
Review your options below and get started today! Be assured that you are choosing the best dating affiliate program offered anywhere in the world!
The tools - short fragment
Affiliate Tools & Support
Affiliate tools that have been proven effective and unmatched support services.
Once you are logged into your affiliate account, you will find a host of marketing tools that you can employ to promote our services.
Photos - Photo Iframes
Our custom photo iframes are our most popular affiliate tool. And years of statistics prove that they are far and away our HIGHEST CONVERTING marketing tool. For this reason, we highly recommend that our affiliates employ this tool as often as possible.
To the right on this page you will see an example of a vertical photo iframe. These photos display the most popular, real, active women profiled on our website (determined by the preferences and habits of the male members who use our services) and rotate and refresh each time a page is displayed - so the simple code can be place on multiple pages of your websites and your visitor will see different looks each time they click through or return to your site.
As with all of our marketing tools, within your interface you can quickly generate code to quickly copy and paste into your web pages. You can choose horizontal or vertical alignment, size of photos, number of photos, customize the ethnicity (Asian, Latin, European, mix, etc., etc.) and stylize them to your need. Affiliate with somewhat more advanced HTML and CSS skills can even customize their own appearances around your photo iframes.
Below is an example of a horizontal photo Iframe - to the right an example of a vertical phto Iframe.
The banned me from most sites for this, but they never ones said i lied or this is not true. I found out truth - now i cant logg into most of these sites anymore)) you cant tell truth - then you did something not acceptable you will be banned in all the terms of agreement they do not need justify why.))
I urge you to look closely at the videocalls. I promise its a loop. And here like godatenow they use super affiliates - playboy models and celebritys
I hope you all find love- its not easy even in right places-
its very weird no one has shinned some light on this, its like people dont care. attitude of perverts being ripped of by the nice woman and the site they can do it safely from. untilll now when they individually get branded for life as scammers and losing best years of life to this when it should be children and building a life