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1 review
33 helpful votes

This is a puppy mill, I do not advise anyone buying...
December 8, 2014

This is a puppy mill, I do not advise anyone buying a dog from here. I have bad reviews littlepuppiesonline. When I first saw their website I was very happy because I found there a beautiful Yorkie puppy. After I spoke with them an the phone, I drove 3 hours till Mt. Vernon to see personally the puppy.
I couldnt see the living conditions of the dogs because customers were not allowed there but I understood that this breeder has lots of puppies for sale, many different breeds. Because of that, I am sure that they are puppy mills sellers. They get their puppies from other places and sell to people. Its impossible to take care so many dogs in the same time. They even had to look on their inventory to see if my puppy is available. Ive shouldnt make the mistake to buy from them, but the Yorkshire terrier puppy they offered me was very cute and he seemed healthy. After I took Jack home, it began the problems. He wasnt adapting very well, he refused to eat and he was very scared all the time. So I decided to take him to the vet to see if he had any health problems. The vet checked him and said that he had kennel cough and that he needed shots for worms. He was also a little bit under weight because he wasnt fed very well. I tried to contact littlepuppiesonline to tell the problems I had with my pup but they blew me off several times. It took a while for Jack to get better, he took medications to be a normal dog. Now I can say that he is ok, he eats, plays and he is a happy dog. Me and my family love him very much, but we wouldnt risk to pass another time through this fear of having a dog with health problems.
My advise is to do your research very well before you buy a dog, because you risk to get a sick puppy. Avoid companies like littlepuppiesonline which sell unhealthy puppies. My reviews littlepuppiesonline are not the best, as you see, and I am sure that there lots of people who happened just like me.
Little puppies online is not a trustable breeder, they dont tell you details about the parents of the puppies because they dont know this kind of information. They get their puppies from other places, they sell puppy mills. Look after other reviews littlepuppiesonline to see if they worth your trust.
I am very disappointed with their services and the puppies they provide to their customers. I wouldnt recommend anyone to buy from them. A dog is a big responsibility and if you have a sick pup, you wont be the only one who will suffer, your dog will be in pain too. From my experience, this is a sad thing. This kind of places should be closed because they sell puppies with health problems.

Date of experience: December 7, 2014