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Pathetic customer service by a staff and Tailor(Anton Suresh)
December 31, 2023

Pathetic customer service in Deira city centre (LEVIS) i purchased a jeans in Levis worth of 399 AED in April which I got it Altered with the Tailor(Anton Suresh)
But it was not altered according to my requirement than last week again i took back the jean to the Levis showroom there was a lady who was billing a client in the cash counter i asked for the alteration she just rised her index finger and pointed out a Person(Anton suresh) who was walking on the floor when i asked the gentlman he directly asked show me the bill which according to Gentleman Anton suresh wanted to keep the bill more than 6 months thats what he expects from the client, but i asked him apart from the bill can you alter my jeans he directly said no and he wanted to give me his friend or coworker nunmber who can alter it for some amount when i bought the jean from that Levis store why should i get it altered from outside inspite all the stores around India do the free alteration for the Levis Products than why not in Deira city centre Levis store, I wanted to bring this to the notice to the Mall and the Levis store the customer service was very very poor and the tailor walking to a client and says we cant alter it is completely not at all proffessional i know the standards of Levi Strauss & Co. If this is the case i will never suggest anyone of my family and friends to visit the Levis store very particularly in Deira city centre, i Hope this message of mine will reach the concern person and will get me or customers like me a better solution or service, many Thanks

Date of experience: December 31, 2023