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4 reviews
6 helpful votes

No respect for customers and their money...
September 11, 2018

I am a new customer on Lazada. I thought this is a reliable e-commerce company, but I realize they do not have respect for the customers!

It all started when I tried to pay my order with Paypal account. It did not work. I called Lazada, called Paypal, called Lazada again, no one could help. I opened a Thailand based Paypal account, thinking the issue was from there. I added funds on this account (lost money due to currency exchange rate), tried again: not working still!

Meanwhile I exchanged dozens of emails with Lazada customer support, trying to get help. The only solution they gave me was: please use a different payment method sir...

Ok, fine. After 1 week of non sense responses from Lazada "customer support" and since they are not able to fix their Paypal issue, I finally decide to pay my order by card.

I place and pay the order on 06th September by card. The delivery expected period is 6th-11th September.

As of 11th September, 2 of my parcels are still stuck at the delivery provider since 7th September! The 3rd parcel has not even been shipped by the seller shop, 5 days after my order!

The only reply I get from Lazada customer support is: please wait for your order Sir. As day passes, they keep changing the delivery period. From 11th to 12th. Now the latest update they gave me is: please wait until 14th September and then only we can consider to cancel your order. SERIOUSLY? 8 days after I pay and place an order, then you will bother consider to cancel my order and refund me?

We are in 2018, e-commerce should allow you to get items sourced locally within a reasonnable timeframe, ie 2-3 days. Else I can just go the mall and get it myself on the same day... Now after almost 2 weeks of whole process, I do not receive any item (out of 4 ordered), my money is stuck with them, and no one cares...

I specially selected items available from Thai vendors. So why does it look like my order is coming all the way from China?

I order the items for a birthday: THANK YOU LAZADA, you wasted all the birthday surprise!

The customer service is TOTALLY inefficient. By chat the only thing they reply to you is: please wait your order is on the way (while it is stuck at the delivery company since 4 days or not even shipped yet by the vendor!)

When contacting by email, they just simply lie to your face by saying if your order is not received by 11th September contact us and we will cancel it. When I contact them on 11th September they tell me wait until 14th September and we will cancel it...

LAZADA is not respecting me, my time and my money.

So they don't deserve my money anymore...

I do not recommend anyone to order on this website. You will only waste time and money.

Tip for consumers:

Just do not waste your time and money : order from a more reliable website or buy at the mall directly...

Date of experience: September 11, 2018