Don't waste time and especially money on any of these sites with the same type of platform. It's all a scam and you will never get the contact information after you have spent $500-$1000 just to get there. The women all claim that they never received the request and then want you to request it again and again while they want to continue to chat and suck the money and life out of you. If they wanted to get off the site and communicate with you, they could easily do it with just your first and last name. The next excuse is that they can never get the vacation time to meet you. Another excuse is they need more time to get to know you better. Sure, they don't have any issue with sending nude photos (if it's really them), but they need to know you better to meet you. They love to send the posts, mail with 10-12 pics that you have to pay for, disappearing pics etc, anything you have to pay for and then they get mad and claim you really aren't interested if you don't spend what equals to $700 for one virtual gift or open the photos that suck up credits. I am convinced that either they are getting some sort of compensation for keeping men on the site(s) or they have people pretending to be the person in the photo. I believe there is a corporation that owns these sites and they just simply tailor them for the different cultures and ethnicities. Notice that if you ask for a selfie to see them in the exact moment, they will send you old photos. They will never send full body pics or pics of their environment at that exact moment. They will often hide their face if they do send a pic that's a snapshot in the mirror. Scroll down to see all of the photos they have posted and you will find that many times, that is what you will get over and over. Do a reverse google image search and you will find that many of the girls photos are all over the internet. If you have been on any of these sites, go back and compare what the girls say and you will find that they have almost the exact same answers for questions, concerns, when you ask them to meet. If you try to circumvent the system for contact info, they will play along and try to convince you there is a way to do it. "My, friend did it and it worked". Don't fall for it. They will try to get you to keep trying it over and over and it's not going to work. I've experienced three of their scam sites and they all operate the same. I've never seen a website that will not let you unsubscribe on your own until these sites. You always have to go through a "case manager" and they refuse to unsubscribe you and try to entice you with a discount on credits. These people need to be sued in a class action lawsuit and shut down.
Be very cautious with these sites. They prey on men seeking a real relationship in most cases. Yes, there are men who would use and abuse some of these woman, but I think for the most part there are a lot of lonely, genuine men seeking companionship.