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If you're a big KISS fan, and I think this is a band...
February 2, 2011

If you're a big KISS fan, and I think this is a band which you're either a big fan of, or not, then you'll want to visit this online store. Although looking pretty basic and almost embarrassingly Web 1.0, it has a surprisingly wide range of KISS-related merchandise on offer including just about everything you could imagine, from tacky keychains to rare collectors cards to used drumheads and sticks from KISS tours.

As if that weren't enough, here you will find what may be a unique celebrity photo page. Not that celeb photo pages are by any means rare, but it's not often that you see one in which all the celebs, male or female, have been lovingly transformed into KISS members with Photoshop.

Perhaps the only surviving photo in the world of Buffy The Vampire Slayer made up as Gene Simmons can be found here, not to mention a hilarious Britney Spears and a pretty impressive elaboration on a sexy pose from the X-files stars.

This is a very old page, at least in web terms, and I'm not even sure that there's a link to it anywhere, any more. It's one of those little web back-alleys that you sometimes stumble across by accident, and which is remembered only by Google, though even there it appears in the listings only by chance and not necessarily where you'd expect.

There's only a handful of images here, but it may be the only one there is. And each one is a gem.

The page is at:


If you want to find out how to do it, and who wouldn't, the artist also provided a tutorial, here:


This sort of creative inspiration is what the web was once about, back in the days when it was a venue for all, regardless of talent or taste. Sadly, those days may be gone, but pages like this deserve to survive. If only because nobody in their right minds would publish anything like it, again.

Date of experience: February 2, 2011