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1 review
0 helpful votes

Bad customer service and even more tragic dresses
March 15, 2023

TLDR; if they treat their paying customers this poorly, how do you think they treat their overseas factory workers?

I ordered several Kennedy blue dresses to try for size/style for an upcoming wedding (their lead time was over 6 weeks, so figured I needed to get a few options to hit the wedding timeline). First off, the dresses are cheap, shiny and costume-esque and I was super disappointed I had to spend $150. But so goes the bridesmaid charades, not really a choice on the brand selection.

After my utterly underwhelming experience trying on the dresses, I tried to return the dresses that did not work. Unfortunately, I did not familiarize myself with the fine print of their garbage return policy, which I recommend reading IN FULL before purchasing anything from this company. If you return a dress, you only get a 75% refund, even with tags attached. Which is asinine because none of the dresses are made to order and they can TOTALLY turn around and resell them (Lol, yeah, bet you are totally discarding those returned dresses for *******@kennedy blue.

The company does NOT provide a return label (lol in what world is this norm nowadays), which means you have to pay the full return shipping fee out of pocket. For those of you who are not familiar with shipping cost these days, I'll fill you in. I spent a lovely little evening after work going to multiple shipping spots because the first estimate to return my dresses was $85. Yep, $85. So this whole return process left me out $100 to GIVE THEM BACK their ugly dresses. Unreal.

Their customer service basically gave a *big shrug* when I explained my situation and asked for assistance and leniency on their return policy since I had misunderstood it and felt it wasn't adequately disclosed before you order. The most they offered me was reducing my restocking fees, but not eliminating them and they ~could not~~ provide a return label. I suppose it was too much to fathom. This company clearly only cares about profiting off of their poorly made dresses (manufactured in China and Indonesia), and that's about it.

My total costs from this experience after "getting help" from customer service
-kept 1 dress for the wedding ($150)
-Total came to $271 for returns and all the shipping costs they don't pay.

If you're a bride, I'd go with literally any other company. Even the big ones like birdy grey and Azazie treated me better than this group of clowns.

I can't wait to look so unfortunate in my upcoming wedding in this stupid dress.

Xoxo I told you I'd leave a bad review and you didn't care

Tip for consumers:


Products used:

Tiffany dress

Date of experience: March 15, 2023