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The KDP Review Content Give me the Run around team, discrimination
October 30, 2023

I think someone or a couple of them or discriminating against me in the KDP Review Content Department. I want to know why?

The KDP Review Department asked me to address:
About my new ebook I wrote.
(Confirm Your Rights Ownership:)
I think they asked me this, because I did not do my designs in the Free 99 Goodwill shop.
I addressed it.
Yes, I confirm that my book meets the KDP Content Guidelines and that I am the
Original creator of the content and hold the rights to publish this content. Again, I
Personally wrote and created the designs of my whole book and have the rights to what
I have written and have designed.

Yes. I am the author of the book "What a Very Sexy Girl Wrote in Her Diary This
Week. I am the writer of the book and the designer of the book including the book

(During a review, we found that the categories selected for the following book(s)
May cause a misleading customer experience: The selected categories for this book(s) include comics categories, but we have determined that the content is not a comic, manga, or graphic novel.)

What a Very Sexy Girl Wrote In Her Diary This Week by Foster, Lajes (AUTHOR)

Yes, I have addressed that and put it under the right categories. Diary and letter category.

(During our review, we found that the interior file provided for the following book(s) includes images of text which do not meet our quality guidelines.

What a Very Sexy Girl Wrote In Her Diary This Week by Foster, Lajes (AUTHOR)

Fixed layout formatting is allowed for the following book types:
- Children's picture books
- Comics
- Manga

A small amount of scanned or image-captured text is allowed as long as it is legible and pertains to the overall book content.)

Yes I have addressed it.
The text was not scanned it was from the original file, so whatever you said was in error. I have redone the file in the said requested format of text.
I have addressed the quality guidelines as you have requested. I am computer savvy enough to have fixed it and I have. Now let me submit the last update that you have requested for me to update.

There is a deadline they have given me and they won't adjust my account, so I can upload the update.

Two days later. I uploaded my manuscript updates per their quality guidelines, and what happened next, they blocked the ebook.

They lied and said I had scanned text, when I worked hard on the manuscript and made it flowable text. The manuscript was perfect. The book is beautiful.

Like I've said in the following.

KDP needs to cleanup their Review Content Department.

Date of experience: October 30, 2023