I'm ok with whatever questions asked to get my profile created, but as far as I know, being a nonsubscriber but everyday user trying to find a partner there is a hardship. Getting my profile removed to make room for other subscribers? 4 times really. Like many others I choose to be a non subscriber until I find someone that has the preferences I look for in a partner. And I totally understand if my profile was idle for months. But when I get removed in middle of a conversation, that's not cool.
I got into the site when it was one week fresh and newly created. And out of my photographic memory I still see these good looking start-up profiles, still on the site. You know those texting you to get your interest. But as soon as you get your subscription they turn silent. Or sometimes they get a totally different person profile-picture or swap country across the world. I had like these 8 profiles (good looking and young people) texting me, looked at the messages had all a timestamp one minute apart of each other. Hmmmm. This is undoubtedly / unquestionably one person logging into one profile by another profile to send messages. I'm not saying like a "the earth is flat" conspiracy theorist but fishy and calculated.
Luckily there is tools for reverse picture search you know.
I am patiently waiting for our live conventions to meet my real match rather paying for Fake. At jwmatch, no staff would try lure you with a untrue profile, only scammers do. And scammers aren't that good to pretend as Jehovah's witnesses - easily sorted out. I have more luck with Instagram. Just hashtag a sunny servicepicture.#jwsingle# jwsinglesister#jwsinglebrother.
Good luck all, and jwperfectmatch, I don't need your mansplaining it to me. It's objective and constructive criticism, by experience. Improve the attitude for the better of others. Agape