104 reviews for Jeulia are not recommended
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1 review
0 helpful votes

Incorrect name on custom order, poor customer support
January 5, 2025

Placed an order on December 1st for a custom necklace. Shipping took forever and after 4 weeks on December 30th we received it. Now after all that time it took when we received the necklace it was very disappointing because the name is spelled wrong. When I reached out to customer support via chat I had provided a picture of the confirmation from my email where I definitely submitted the name correct and the representative also provided a screenshot showing where I spelled the name correctly as well. Concluding that the error was not on my end. I was advised by the representative that they would need to reach out to the factory to confirm the incorrect item.which by that way I also sent in a picture of the necklace itself showing the misspelled name. I kept asking the representative if this is something that could be fixed or if I will be given my money back if I returned it and they kept repeating that they had to reach out to the factory before moving forward and then continued to tell me to allow 24 hours and I should be getting something via email on how to proceed.
That was on 12/30, it has been now been almost a week later and no response. In addition to that on 01/02 I receive an email from the company, but it's them asking me to leave a review on the wrong product they sent me and to provide pictures and I'll get a 5$ reward which I did. Adding to this and just making it worst the company reaches out to me on 1/4 at 1:45 am and In the email JEULIA is trying to cover their behind and say what is an A is actually an O. That is a flat out lie, I will attach pictures to show this supposedly letter O.
In the email I advised them that is definitely not how you wrote an O in cursive. This company is a big scam, you go on their Instagram and everyday they're posting some ridiculous ad. Pay attention to your customers and handle the mistakes THE COMPANY MADE.
I will be sure to keep posting on this matter as I do not believe things are being handled the proper way. Until a resolution is provided where JEULIA is held accountable for their own mistake I will be sure to continue to post bad reviews anywhere that I can.
This error made on the companies end needs to be fixed. I sent customer relations requesting an update on how to proceed, if I can not get in contact with anyone regarding this in the next few days I will report JEULIA to the BBB (Better Business Bureau) for the grievance they have caused me and other customers as well. They are scammers.

Date of experience: January 4, 2025
104 reviews for Jeulia are not recommended